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Table of Contents6-8
Chapter One Introduction8-11

1.1 Background of the Research8

1.2 Significance of the Research8-9

1.3 Purpose of the Research9-10

1.4 Organization of the Thesis10-11

Chapter 2 Literature Review11-19
2.1 The Significance of Errors and Error Studies11

2.2 Perspectives on Errors11-14

2.2.1 The Distinction between Errors and Mistakes11-13

2.2 Categorization of Errors13-14

2.3 Contrastive Analysis and Error Analysis14-17

2.3.1 Contrastive Analysis14-15

2.3.2 Reaction against Contrastive Analysis15

2.3.3 Error Analysis15-17

2.4 The Previous Research on EA of EFL in Writing17-19
2.4.1 Researches from Empirical Perspective17
2.4.2 Researches from Theoretical Perspective17-19
Chapter 3 Methodology and Research Procedure19-23

3.1 Research Questions19

3.2 Description of the Participants19-20

3.3 Research Methods and Instruments20-21

3.1 Questionnaire A20

3.2 Writing Samples20-21

3.3 Questionnaire B21

3.3.4 The Software for Statistical Analysis21

3.4 Judges21-22

3.5 Procedure22-23

Chapter Four Results and Discussion23-45
4.1 Frequency and Distribution of Errors23
4.2 Difference between High-mark and Low-mark Compositions论文导读:25-264.4TheCorrelationamongWritingProficiencyandErrorCategories26-274.5DescriptionsofErrors27-344.5.1ErrorsinSubstanceLevel27-284.5.2ErrorsinLexicalLevel28-304.5.3ErrorsinGrammaticalLevel30-324.5.4ErrorsinCohesiveLevel32-334.5.5ErrorsinIdiomaticLevel33-344.6Resultr
4.3 Comparison between Sample 1 and Sample 325-26
4.4 The Correlation among Writing Proficiency and Error Categories26-27

4.5 Descriptions of Errors27-34

4.5.1 Errors in Substance Level27-28

4.5.2 Errors in Lexical Level28-30

4.5.3 Errors in Grammatical Level30-32

4.5.4 Errors in Cohesive Level32-33

4.5.5 Errors in Idiomatic Level33-34

4.6 Results from Questionnaire A34-35

4.7 Results from Questionnaire B35-36

4.8 The Analysis of Sources of Writing Errors36-45

4.8.1 Interpngual Traner37-40

4.8.2 Intrapngual Traner40-43

4.8.3 Other Sources43-45

Chapter Five Conclusion45-52

5.1 Research Findings45

5.2 Suggestions on the Possible Ways of Helping EFL Writing45-48
5.2.1 To Raise Students’ motivation to Write45-46
5.2.2 To Strengthen Fundamental Language Knowledge in Teaching46-47
5.2.3 To Give Correct Judgment and Responses on Errors47-48
5.3 Imppcations for EFL Teaching of the First Academic Year in College48-50
5.3.1 To Make a Good Shift from High School in Teaching Syllabus and Methodology49
5.3.2 To Make a Good Shift from High School to College in the Choice of Engpsh Teaching Recourses49-50
5.3.3 To Help Students to Adjust Their Learning Habits and Strategies50

5.4 Limits and Suggestions50-52

Appendix Ⅰ Writing Sample 155-56
Appendix Ⅱ Writing Sample 256-57
Appendix Ⅲ Writing Sample 357-58
Appendix Ⅳ High-mark Group58-59
Appendix Ⅴ Low-mark Group59-60
Appendix Ⅵ Questionnaire A60-62
Appendix Ⅶ Questionnaire B62-63