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Part One Introduction9-13

1.1 Research Background9-10

1.2 Aims of the Research10-12

1.3 Layout of the Thesis12-13

Part Two Literature Review13-24

2.1 Learning Strategies13-14

2.1.1 Definition of Learning Strategies13-14
2.1.2 Classification of Learning Strategies14

2.2 Metacognitive strategies14-18

2.1 Metacognition14-16

2.2 Metacognitive Strategies16-18

2.3 Theories of Reading18-21

2.3.1 Definition of reading18-19

2.3.2 Schema Theory19-20

2.3.3 Models of Second Language Reading20-21
2.4 Related Studies on Metacognitive Strategies in Reading21-22

2.5 Summary22-24

Part Three Research Methodology24-30

3.1 Research questions24

3.2 Research subjects24-25

3.3 Research Procedure25

3.4 Instruments25-28



1 Questionnaire25-27
3.4.2 Engpsh Reading Comprehension Tests27-28

3.4.3 Interviews28

3.5 Post-training Data Collection and Analysis28-30
Part Four Apppcation of Metacognitive Strategies to Engpsh Reading Class30-35

4.1 Before-reading Training30-31


1.1 Selecting Proper Reading Materials30


1.2 Estabpshing Reading Proposes30-31

4.2 During-reading Training31-34
4.2.1 Enriching the Knowledge of Cognition in Engpsh Reading (week1-2)31-32
4.2.2 Apppcation and Internapzation of Metacognitive Strategies in Engpsh Reading (week3-16)32-34

4.3 After-reading Activities34-35


3.1 Making discussions or debates34

4.3.2 Learning to summarize lesson after reading34-35
Part Five Results and Discussions35-49

5.1 Quantitative Analysis35-45

5.1.1 The Status of Metacognitive Strategies Awareness in Engpsh Reading before training35-38
5.1.2. Impact of the Training on Metacognitive Strategy Awareness in Engpsh Reading38-39
5.1.3 Metacognitive Reading Strategy Use and Its Relationship to Proficiency39-43
5.1.4 The correlation between reading performance and language proficiency43-45

5.2 Quaptative Analysis45-47

5.3 Discussion47-49

Part Six Conclusion49-54

6.1 Major Findings of the Study49-50

6.2 Imppcations50-54

6.2.1 Suggestions for Engpsh Teaching in Higher Vocational College50-51

2.2 Limitations of the study51-52


2.3 Suggestions for further research52-54

Appendix Ⅰ 英语阅读元认知对策调查问卷60-61
Appendix Ⅱ 2008 年 6 月英语考试 A 级61-68
Appendix Ⅲ 2009 年 6 月英语考试 A 级68-75
Appendix Ⅳ 2010 年 6 月英语考试 A 级75-82