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最后更新时间:2024-04-06 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:6266 浏览:22118
摘 要:小产权房的法律问题一直是人们关注的焦点,立足于大众对小产权房的讨论,对小产权房法律适用问题深入研究,主张以物的权利为切入点,解决小产权房案件法律适用应以以权权能分离为理论基础,在切实保护耕地、遵循城乡规划、充分发挥小产权房利用价值的前提下,小产权房案件纠纷的解决途径,即将小产权房的占有、使用、收益权能从其权中分离出来,让渡给小产权房购买者标准论文。
Abstract:the relative legal problems of the all property right houses draw more and more attention.The article gives a practical suggestion on how to solve the problems of the case according to the existing Property Law in China.The author harbors the view that if we separate the specific rights from the ownership as the theoretical basis,the solution may be practical.On the premises of satiying the protection of the agriculture land,conforming to the city and town planning,making full use of the all property right houses,and separate the specific rights of occupation,usage,and profits harvesting from the ownership,and guarantee the buyers the specific rights and then we may find a solution to the all property right houses cases.
Key Words:the all property right houses;collective land;the separation of specific rights
中图分类号:DF521 文献标识码:A 论文编号:1006-026X(2012)07-0000-02
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