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“先学后教,当堂训练”包括3个主要环节:1.先学, 即学生自学、检测;2.后教,即学生互动讨论,最后教师点拨;3.当堂训练,即完成作业检测。下面以8B Unit 4 A Charity Show Period 2 Reading (1)的教学为例对该教学法进行探讨。

一、 指导学生自学


1. Listening

Play the tape for the students, then ask students to give T or F for the following sentences.
()1. Ricky started working on the show two months ago.
()2. Kitty was chosen to be the host of the show.

3. Ricky had a lot of things to do.

()4. The doors closed twenty minutes before the show.

2. Whilereading

1. Firstreading

T: We know Project Green Hope is a charity that helps protect rivers and lakes in China. Now we will read an about a charity show. It was used to raise money for Project Green Hope. Please read the quickly then answer the three questions.
(1)Who has been chosen as the host of the show?
(2)How did he feel when he was chosen to be the host?
(3)Was the show a success?

2. Secondreading

T: This time let’s read the text carefully and answer the following questions.
A. Read paragraph 1-2 and answer the questions.
(1)Why didn’t Ricky write to Kitty earlier?
(2)Why did he help with the charity show?
(3)How did he feel?
(4)What is the letter about?


Read the text carefully, and try to find out the difficult language point especially the passive voice.

3. Postreading摘自:本科毕业论文致谢www.7ctime.com

1. Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the letters.论文导读:llitbeasuccess?”三、当堂检测一般可采用口头或笔头训练,我在这一步用的是笔头训练:练习一主要是训练学生对整个语篇的理解;练习二则是对文章中重点句子的考查。当堂检测能让教师及时了解学生对当堂课所学内容的掌握情况,及时调整教学任务。“先学后教,当堂训练”的可贵之处,在于让学生走在教的前头,让学生

2. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
①I was helping with a charity show to raise money for Project Green hope.
②A lot of work need to be finished.
③It’s my job to introduce each star to the fans.
④Everything seemed to happen so fast, and now it’s all over.
⑤I kept asking myself, “Will it be a success?”

