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最后更新时间:2024-03-13 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:3580 浏览:11849
摘要: 低碳经济是以低能耗、低污染、低排放为基础的经济模式,发展低碳经济是实现我国可持续发展战略的选择毕业论文格式要求。大学生作为21世纪的领军人物,引导和示范作用,在他们中推广“低碳经济”于可持续发展战略、新经济模式的全面贯彻和具体实施,对于带动我国低碳经济的发展和建设,十分的。作者以在校大学生为研究对象,探讨如何在大学生中推广低碳经济,希望对我国低碳经济的发展具有一定参考作用大学生毕业论文。
Abstract: Low-carbon economy is based on low energy consumption, low pollution, and low emission. The development of low-carbon economy is China''s inevitable choice to achieve sustainable development strategy. As the leader of the 21st century, college students play a guiding role and demonstration effect. To promote "low-carbon economy" to them is conducive to the sustainable development strategy, the full implementation of the new economic model and the specific implementation, and has great significance in driving the development and construction of China''s low-carbon economy. Taking college students as the object of study, the author discussed how to promote low-carbon economy, hoping to provide reference for developing low-carbon economy.
关键词: 低碳经济;大学生;推广研究
Key words: low-carbon economy;students;to promote research