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最后更新时间:2024-04-14 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:5266 浏览:16032
Abstract: This paper interprets the real estate market from the economics perspective, mainly using the method of supply and demand to analyse the equilibrium condition of housing market, including the formation of equilibrium quantity and the equilibrium price. This paper also interprets the social effect and social progress led by the market changes of real estate, and announces that the primary cause of market supply changes is the after reaction of disunity ofpeople life level improving and social resources equiped. How to deal with the economic development of real estate changes is an important task to test the government and economy scholars.
Keywords: real estate economics; prices; market; control
中图分类号: F29

3.3 文献标识码:A论文编号:

近年来,我国城市化的进程和城镇住房制度改革的不断深入,加上国家出台了多项支持房地产发展的产业政策和信贷政策,房地产业长足发展,城镇居民的住房自有化率达到80%以上,建筑和房地产业增加值占GDP 的比例接近10%论文怎么写。-以上为可参考的写作提示