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论文片段—:介绍了节能减排的形势,讨论了为什么循环经济实现节能减排,以及循环经济的特点,循环经济应遵循的原则,发展循环经济、促进节能减排应解决的问题,节能减排实现的关键,发展循环经济促进节能减排需全社会共同努力。关键词:循环经济;节能;减排;Abstract:Thispaperintroducesthecurrentsituationoftheenergyc发展循环经济 促进节能减排
关键词:循环经济; 节能; 减排;
Abstract: This paper introduces the current situation of the energy conservation and emission reduction, and discusses why the circular economy can achieve energy conservation and emission reduction, and the characteristics and principles of the circular economy, the problems should be solved in promoting energy conservation and emission reduction and developing circular economy, and the key to realize the energy sing and emission reduction, and then points out that the it need the whole society to work on developing the recycling economy and promoting energy conservation and emission reduction.
Keywords: circular economy; energy conservation; emissions reduction;
中图分类号:TE08 文献标识码:A 论文编号: