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Chapter One Introduction8-10

1.1 Background of the Study8

1.2 Significance of the Study8-9

1.3 Structure of the Thesis9-10

Chapter Two Literature Review10-18
2.1 Brief reviews of the present researches on autonomous learning10-11
2.2 Definition of autonomous learning11-12
2.3 The critical bases for autonomous learning12-15
2.3.1 Psychological and cognitive theories on autonomous learning12-14
2.3.2 Philosophical and pedagogical theories on autonomous learning14
2.3.3 Diverse students’ individual differences in Engpsh learning14-15

2.4 Learning strategies15-18

2.4.1 Cognitive strategies15-16

2.4.2 Metacognitive strategies16

2.4.3 Language learning strategies16-18

Chapter Three Research Design18-24

3.1 Research Questions18

3.2 Methodology18-24


2.1 Experiment design18-19


2.2 Participants19


2.3 Research instruments19-20


2.4 Procedures20-22


2.5 Data collection22-24

Chapter Four Data Analysis and Discussions24-40

4.1 Data Analysis of Questionnaires24-30

4.1.1 Investigation and analysis of the strategy training and students' autonomouslearning initiative situation24
4.1.2 Data analysis of the first questionnaire24-27
4.1.3 Data analysis of the interview questionnaire27-30

4.2 Data Analysis of Examinations30-33

4.3 Fact论文导读:tionsoftheStudy415.3LimitationsoftheStudy415.4RecommendationforFurtherStudy41-43References43-45AppendixA45-46AppendixB46-47Appendix7-59Acknowledgements59上一页12
ors Influencing Autonomous Learning33-35
4.3.1 Teachers’ influence on autonomous learning33-34
4.3.2 Students’ influence on autonomous learning34
4.3.3 Engpsh-teaching mechani’s influence on autonomous learning34-35
4.3.4 Education system’s influence on autonomous learning35
4.4 Developing students’ strategies of autonomous learning35-40
4.4.1 Teaching strategies through interactive techniques35-37
4.4.2 Development of autonomous learning through practice37-40
Chapter 5 Conclusion40-43

5.1 Major Findings40-41

5.2 Imppcations of the Study41

5.3 Limitations of the Study41

5.4 Recommendation for Further Study41-43

Appendix A45-46
Appendix B46-47
Appendix 7-59