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Ⅰ Introduction9-12

1.1 Background and Motivation9-10

1.2 The Significance of the Study10

1.3 Organization of the Thesis10-12

Ⅱ Literature Review12-21
2.1 A Brief History of Vocabulary Learning12-15
2.1.1 The Study of Vocabulary Learning Abroad13-14
2.1.2 The Study of Vocabulary Learning in China14-15
2.2 Some Basic Concepts Concerning Engpsh Vocabulary Learning and Strategies15-18

2.1 Nature of Language15

2.2.2 Distinguishing Features of Engpsh vocabulary15-16

2.3 Learning Strategies16-17

2.2.4 Principles of Vocabulary Learning in Teaching Process17-18
2.3 Efficient Strategies in Vocabulary Learning in Senior High School18-21
Ⅲ The Research of Applying Vocabulary Learning Strategies21-28

3.1 Research Questions21

3.2 Subjects21

3.3 Instruments and Methods21-22

3.4 Learning Schedule and Learning Procedures22-28

3.4.1 Learning Schedule22

3.4.2 Learning Procedures22-28

Ⅳ Research Results and Analysis28-42

4.1 Interview28-29

4.2 Questionnaire29-31

4.3 The Pre-test Paper and Post-test Paper31-32

4.4 Observations32

4.5 Findings and Discussions32-42

4.5.1 Effects on Students Language Learning33
4.5.2 Learning Methods Used by Some Foreign Teachers in China33-37
4.5.3 Findings from Interviewing the Foreign Teachers37-42
Ⅴ Conclusion42-44
5.1 Conc论文导读:lusionoftheResearch425.2LimitationoftheResearch425.3SuggestionorFurtherResearch42-44References44-46AppendixA46-53AppendixB53-62Acknowledgements62上一页12
lusion of the Research42

5.2 Limitation of the Research42

5.3 Suggestions for Further Research42-44

Appendix A46-53
Appendix B53-62