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Chapter One Introduction8-13

1.1 Study Status Quo of Zweig's Works8-10

1.2 Comments by Authorities on Zweig and His Writing10-11
1.3 The Purpose and Approaches of this Thesis11-13
Chapter Two Zweig's Viewpoint of Narration13-22
2.1 Tension Narration in Novel Writing13-15
2.1.1 The Definiton of Tension Narration13-14
2.1.2 The Forming of Zweig's Viewpoint of Narration14-15
2.2 Elements Influencing Zweig's Narration15-22
2.2.1 The Influence from His Family and Living Background15-17
2.2.2 The Influence from His Literature Idols17-20
2.2.3 The Influence from His Love Experience20-22
Chapter Three Tension Narration in Letter from An Unknown Woman22-38
3.1 Manifestations of Those Influences in Letter from An Unknown Woman22-25
3.1.1 Manifestations from Vienna in the Novel23-24
3.1.2 Manifestations from His Love Life in the Nove24-25
3.2 Psycho-analysis Tension:the Ultimate Narration of Psychology25-27
3.3 Sex Tension:论文导读:weig'sInheritanceandInnovation47-50ChapterFiveConclusion50-51Bibpography51-52上一页12
the Confrontation and Peace of Soul and Body27-28
3.4 Love Tension:Freedom and Restraint28-31
3.5 Morapty Tension:the Might of Humanitariani31-38

3.5.1 The Sopcitude of Women's Fate32-34

3.5.2 The Caring of Social Environment34-35
3.5.3 Tension between Different Morapty Background the in China and the Western Society35-38
Chapter Four The Significance of Tension Narration in the Novel38-50

4.1 Original Artistic Narration39-40

4.2 Detail Description40-41

4.3 First Person Narrative Point41-43

4.4 Psychological Narrative Time43-45

4.5. Psychological Reap45-47

4.6. The Significance of Zweig's Inheritance and Innovation47-50
Chapter Five Conclusion50-51