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中医术语是典型的文化负载词,在英语中通常没有现成的自然的对应形式,这就是所谓的“文化空白”。因此,中医术语翻译中译者常常为是要保留中医术语的历史厚重性还是尊重异域文化、加强跨文化沟通左右为难。比如,中医术语“穴”常常被翻译为“point”,只是因为现在几乎所有的英语国家的针灸师都习惯于使用这个词。然而,“穴”的实际含义用英语应该解释为“a needle insertion point which is located at breaks or openings in the landscape of the body”。由此判断,英语单词“point”在语义上讲是不准确的,因为它只是表明了一个抽象的身体位置而已。然而如何平衡中医术语的独创性和译文的可理解性就是译者必须面对的一个摘自:毕业论文结论怎么写www.7ctime.com
吴:Her Tiangui(the substance necessary for the promotion of growth,development and reproductive function of human body)appears at the age of fourteen. At this time,her Ren channel begins to put through,and her Chong channel becomes prosperous and her menstruation begins to appear. As all her physiological conditions being mature,she can be pregnant and bear a child. (第9页)
罗:At the age of fourteen,her Tiangui arrives,and Ren Channel[3] begins to function,Chong Channel[4] becomes excessive. And this brings the periodic menstruation and thus she is able to conceive a child.
Notes : Zhang Jiebin: Many annotators referred Tiangui to menstruation and sperm. But the text states that after Tiangui arrives…this brings the periodic menstruation. So it is clear that Tiangui is not menstruation or sperm.
Ma Shi: Tiangui is the Vital Essence of Yin nature.
Xue Xue: Tiangui is neither menstruation nor sperm,it is the Primordial Water.
Cheng Shide: According to the ancient theory,the Water is the source for germination of all the things under heen. Therefore we can understand that Tiangui is a substance produced by the Kidney whi论文导读:ichwascalledZhuyou.(第234页)Notes.Zhuyou:inremoteantiquity,theproductivitywasextremelyinferiorandmansknowledgetothenatureandhumandiseaseswerecasualandambiguous.Zhuyou,akindofprimitivetreatment,wasinventedataparticularhistoricalperiod.Quiteanumberofannotato
ch promotes the sexual function. [3、4]Ren Channel(Ren Mai)and Chong Channel(Chong Mai or Taichong Mai)both originates from the uterus and therefore are closely related to womans menstruation and reproductive system. (第92页)
为了保全中医术语的原汁原味,译者们将拼音和注释结合了起来。对于术语“天癸”,吴氏父子选择了文内注释的方法以呈现一个清楚的释义,而罗希文则列举了古代注释家的不同观点以彰显其客观的态度,但是一味列举却未提供任何定论的做法对读者构成了一定的困扰。对于术语“任脉”和“冲脉”,吴氏父子只提供了拼音而未作任何深层解释,罗希文不仅给出了拼音,而且用详细的脚注进一步解释了它们各自的功能和对女性的重要性。而对于“月事”这一术语,他们不约而同地选择用现有的西医术语直接转换。用目的语中现有的对等词去替换原文中的术语毫无疑问是一个有效的方法,因为这样可以降低西方读者的理解难度。比如,许多译者就常常把“盗汗”译为“night sweating”、“心悸”译为“palpitations”、“便秘”译为“constipation”。这样的直接替换自然合理是因为两个语言体系中的术语实质上指的是同一主体。
例2:黄帝问曰:余闻古之治病,惟其移精变气,可祝由而已。(第75页)吴:Yellow asked:“I am told that in ancient times,when a physician treated a disease,he only tranerred the patients thought and spirit to serve the source of the disease. (第73页)
罗:Yellow Emperor: I heard that doctor in ancient times tried to shift the patients attention so as to regulate the flow of his Vital Energy,and the patients disease is cured by such therapy,which was called Zhuyou.(第234页)
Notes .Zhuyou: in remote antiquity,the productivity was extremely inferior and mans knowledge to the nature and human diseases were casual and ambiguous. Zhuyou,a kind of primitive treatment,was invented at a particular historical period. Quite a number of annotators thought this being an ancient treatment to mental and emotional disorders. Zhuyou,a therapy that can regulate mans mental activities so as to cure patients 源于:论文www.7ctime.com
disease,possesses some scientific element in it and should not be denied totally. Zhuyou,a primitive therapy,marked a step of mans knowledge in his understanding of his own body and disease that perplexed him. (第235页)
吴连胜,吴奇.Yellow Emperors Canon of Internal Medicine[M].北京:中国科学技术出版社,1997.
[3]罗希文.Introductory Study of Huangdi Neijing[M].北京:中国中医药出版社,2009.
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