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最后更新时间:2024-01-19 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:4177 浏览:13558
[摘 要] 医学模式和医患关系的转变,患者对医学人文服务的需求也越来越高本科生毕业论文范文。临床医生不仅要具有丰富医学专业知识和临床经验,要具有良好的人文素质。在临床实践教学中人文素质教育很薄弱,加强临床医学实习生人文素质教育,提高临床医学实习生和临床医生的人文素质,对减少医患纠纷及构建和谐医患关系具有的现实毕业论文致谢词范文。
关键词:人文素质 教育 医患关系
Enhance the humanistic quality education of clinical medicine intern for constructing a harmonious relationship between doctor s and patients.
SHI Xin-ge LI Aie-guo
Chinese PLA Postgraduate Medical School Orthopedic Surgery of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University
[Abstract]With the conversion of the medical model and doctor- patient r elationship, the patient needs are getting higher and higher for the serv ice of medical humanities. Clinicians should not only he plentiful medical expertise and clinical experience, but also he excellent humanistic qualities. The present humanistic quality education is very weak in clinical education .It is great reality significance to enhance the humanistic quality education of clinical medicine intern and to enhance the humanistic quality of clinicians and clinical medicine intern for society to resolve docto r- patient conflicts and construct a harmonious relationship between doctor s and patients.
Key Words:Humanistic quality;Education;Doctor-patient relationship