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最后更新时间:2024-03-12 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:28425 浏览:131841
摘要:本文主要论述了中美两国文化中不同教育阶段的各个方面的不同,从小学,初中,高中一直到大学整个教育体系中,两国文化的不同。如班级的人数,学生或者老师对学习的态度。 目的让大家对中美两国的教育体制有个大概的认识。
Last years, I interviewed one of my Chinese friends, Linda, who has had a significant experience in culture crossing between China and America. More accurately, the interview is more like a free talk between two friends. After we finished the talk, I, indeed, felt that I he limited experience and scant of news on American society and its education. In contrast, Linda knows a lot about American life. Before she came to America, she had got her bachelor degree in Management in China. In order to feel multicultural experience and improve her English abilities, more importantl摘自:本科论文www.7ctime.com
y, enrich her life experience, she decided to pursue her master degree in America. I, to be honest, enjoyed the great benefit of her instructions on the big differences concerning education and communication between China and America. In the following paragraphs, I will introduce my interview results in details.
In the view of education, I would like to describe the results according to the order of our schools. In the elementary school, the erage of students in a class is twenty. All classes, generally, were taught by one teacher. The teacher has the say to everything concerning the pupils. He or she can arrange everything according to his own schedule. He or she, for instance, can decide when his students would finish their classes and when they can go to lunch. The teacher plays various parts in his or her class. He or she is an organizer, leader and educator of a class. It, in my opinion, is no easy task to take control of a class of young children. We are bound to admit that the little children, especially, between the论文导读:idexamplesduringclass.Onthecontrary,thebasiceducationinChinaisentirelydifferentfromitinAmerica.Ingeneral,theerageofstudentsinaclassiorethan40.So,differentteacherswilltakechargeofdifferentclassusuallyonthebasicofteacher’
ages 6 and 12, are quite a handful. Everything can stimulate their interest or curiosity without fear. Their curiosity about the world was always insatiable. Therefore, I believe, the teacher should supervise every student in his or her class. Theoretically speaking, it is quite a challenge. There, however, is no denying that every thing has one more face and it has both advantages and disadvantages. I can not make any comments on this kind of education. I consider that the teacher has the right to teach everything that he or she wants to. He or she can put their new ideas of teaching into syllabus and emphasis different points during teaching. They can give their lecture with anecdotes, jokes and vivid examples during class.On the contrary, the basic education in China is entirely different from it in America. In general, the erage of students in a class is more than 40. So, different teachers will take charge of different class usually on the basic of teacher’s abilities in different aspect, such as Chinese, math, English and music or painting. Usually, every class has one director who may he similar responsibility comparing to his or her American counterparts. However, all the elementary school has standard syllabus and the teacher are supposed to teach students in the light of the aim of the syllabus. Because the pupils in China he to take part in the standardized examinations 摘自:毕业论文翻译www.7ctime.com
after they finished their primary school. Then they will he to go the different middle schools, mainly, depending on their academic performance in the exam.
With regard to junior-senior high school, there are also big differences between the two cultures. In America, students are taught by different teachers just like their Chine论文导读:schoolshehigh-levelteachingfacilitiesandqualifiedteachersaswellastheexcellentstudents.Enteringakeyjuniorschoolmeansastudentmaygoontoakeyseniorschool,akeyuniversity,coupledwithbetterjobopportunitiesandmoreexcellentsocialposition.Holdingthisconceptsinc
se counterparts. They, however, begin to experience university life ahead of time. One thing I feel obliged to mention is they he to go to different classrooms for different classes in the interval. Usually the time is short and it is 5 minutes long. Fortunately, they finish their school, usually, at two o’clock in the afternoon. After school they will groups of club activities whichever they are interested in instead of dispersing to their homes.
As for Chinese students in junior-senior high school, they experience great stress comparing with their American counterparts. Teachers usually give students a close class schedule. Students he to catch time by the forelock and he little time to entertain in order to go to the key high schools or key universities. The key high schools he high-level teaching facilities and qualified teachers as well as the excellent students. Entering a key junior school means a student may go on to a key senior school , a key university, coupled with better job opportunities and more excellent social position. Holding this concept since a teenage, they he to feel the pressure from the society too early. It is acknowledged that going to a university is a pride of honor for a family in China. For Americans, it does not matter whether you go to the university or not. It is just one kind of choice.
University educational system in America is more developed than in China. Universities in America lay great emphasis on basic education. Eng101, for instance, is basic subject that almost every major should take this class. The teachers pay more attention to the studying in ordinary time and give students many assignments and readings to finish after class. Now and then, they will give their students quiz or exam to text their studying resul论文导读:nicationandthinking.Istronglyagreewiththisconcept.Referringtothewaysofcommunication,AmericansaremoredirectthatChinese.Theysticktotheprinciplesandtheykeeptheirwordsduringcommunication.Oncetheymakeapromisetotheothers,theywilltrytheirbestandmakeit.Otherw
ts and progress.In contrast, the education systems of China downplay the foundational subjects. Instead, they are geared towards pragmati and a desire for quick returns. In the university, few teachers will emphasis the ordinary study. In general, we he two exams for every semester: mid-term and final exams. In fact, as we can see, students he much time to entertain 论文大全www.7ctime.com
themselves in daily time. Meantime, they drone away the precious years of youth. They are accustomed to cram everything before exams and forget everything after exams. Personally, I believe American education teaching methods let students make the most of their youth.
It is beyond doubt that education can shape the means of communication and thinking. I strongly agree with this concept. Referring to the ways of communication, Americans are more direct that Chinese. They stick to the principles and they keep their words during communication. Once they make a promise to the others, they will try their best and make it. Otherwise, they will not promise. I, indeed, appreciate this kind of ways of doing things. But I believe we should stick to the principles and learn to be flexible as well, which will contribute a lot to the progress of the society.
On the contrary, Chinese are reserved and mild and roundabout. They want the others can guess what they really said according to their euphemistic way of speaking. Chinese people believe it is a bit embarrassing to refuse the others even though it is not feasible to comply. Sometimes, I believe, this way of communication would make things a mass.