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[摘要] 目的 调查医患对双硫仑样反应的认知,指导合理用药,减少双硫仑反应的发生率论文格式怎么写。方法 问卷方式,对我院急诊科、门诊部、住院部以及我市10家医院急诊科的医护人员共297人和57名患者关于双硫仑反应的认知问卷调查,统计认知。结果 广大医护人员对双硫仑反应认知参差,患者认识较低大学毕业论文。 医务人员、群众均应,加强用药教育,降低双硫仑反应的发生率。
[关键词] 医患; 双硫仑反应; 认知; 分析
[中图分类号] R595.4[文献标识码] A[论文编号] 1005-0515(2011)-08-001-02
[Abstract] ObjectiveSurvey of doctor-patient on disulfiram-like reaction cognitive level, guiding rational drug use, reduction of disulfiram reaction rate.Methods Using questionnaire method, the emergency department of our hospital, out-patient department, inpatient department and the city 10 hospital emergency department medical staff of 297 people and 57 patients of disulfiram reaction cognitive questionnaire, statistical cognition degree. Results The majority of medical staff of disulfiram reaction cognitive diversity, patients with low level of understanding. Conclusion Medical personnel, people should take seriously highly, strengthen education of medication, reduce the incidence of disulfiram reaction.
[Key words] Doctor-patient; Disulfiram reaction; Cognition; Analysis