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摘要 信息化社会的到来,使得法学教育面临着全新的改革。法学作为实践性很强应用学科,教学目的之一是运用法学知识解决实际问题。因此法学教育在教学资源、教学内容、教学方法、教学模式等推进信息技术的应用,只有如此才能适应形势的论文网。
关键词 信息技术;法学教育;法学资源
中图分类号TP39文献标识码A论文编号 1674-6708(2010)33-0237-02
Promote Information Technology in the Application of Law Education
CHEN Yanhua
Education institute of Taiyuan University,Taiyuan030001
Abstract The information society, that law education is faced with the new law reform.. Law as a practical application area, teaching purpose is one of using legal knowledge solution specific cases. Therefore law education must in teaching resource, teaching content, teaching method, teaching mode in advancing the application of information technology,we can adapt to the needs of the situation.
Keywords Information technology;Law education;Legal resources