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教学内容:牛津高中英语模块二,Unit 3 Word power。本教材Word power部分为词汇学习,学习与相应单元相关的词汇,从而扩大学生的英语词汇量,进而提高学生的阅读理解能力和表达能力。本单元此节同样包含了与本单元主题相关的词汇 different jobs以及相关的构词法。
Power Point,Crossword Forge及microblog。
M2 U3 Word Power — Different jobs
Designed by Tan Li from No. 1 Middle School of Yizhang County
〖Teaching Aims〗
(1)Let students be familiar with job words.
(2)Let students learn how to form a new noun by adding suffixes to other words.
(3)Let students learn how to use the words.
〖Teaching Important Points〗
(1)Let the students get familiar with the job words.
(2)Let the students learn to use the words.
〖Teaching Difficult Points〗
How to get the students to master the words easily
〖Teaching Methods〗
(1)Induction and deduction.
(2)Demonstration and cooperation.
(3)Group discussions.
(4)Tasks-based class activities.
〖Teaching Aids〗
(1)The multimedia.
(2)The blackboard.
(3)Some cards.
〖Teaching steps〗Step 1:Lead-in(Tian Tao’s problem)
Tell students the story about Tian Tao and show them a video about it.
Step 2:Vocabulary(His family’s opinion)
(1)Ask the students why Tian论文导读:ontainingthesuffixes.-er,-or,-ist,-ian,-ant,-ent(7)Askthestudentstodoacrosswordpuzzle.Allowstudents3minutestodoitandthenaskonestudenttowritetheanswersontheblackboard.Thenchecktheanswerstogether.(8)Present5picturesandletthestudentsknowaboutso
Tao’s family摘自:学生论文www.7ctime.com
are against his decision.
(2)Tian Tao’s family think that he can do some other jobs. Ask the students to listen to 4 songs and tell what job they are about.
teacher, policeman, soldier, worker
(3)Ask students to brainstorm and write down the job words.
(4)Ask students to read out one of the words they he written in turn and the teacher writes them down on the blackboard.
(5)Read the words on the blackboard together.
(6)Ask the students to find out the common suffixes to create the job words and give more examples containing the suffixes.
-er, -or, -ist, -ian, -ant, -ent
(7)Ask the students to do a crossword puzzle. Allow students 3 minutes to do it and then ask one student to write the answers on the blackboard. Then check the answers together.
(8)Present 5 pictures and let the students know about some new jobs.
beer taster, DJ, bodyguard, news informer, bargainer
Step 3:Consolidation(Your advice and Tian Tao’s decisions)
(1)Ask the students to give Tian Tao some advice by discussing “Imagine you were Tian Tao, what job would you like to he and why?”. Present the sentence pattern on the ppt.
I would like to be a/an _______because ________________.
(2)Ask some students to express their opinions and the teacher makes comments when necessary.
(3)Summary: The job is not good or bad. All jobs are important and necessary to society. They all help society function.
(4)Ask the students to act out Tian Tao’s new decisions.
An Act and Guess game: ask one student to come to the platform, show him or her some cards and ask him or her to act them out and then the other students guess what jobs they are about.
photographer, driver, beer taster, cook
Step 4:Homework
(1)Review what was learnt in this class and remind the students to work hard to realise their dreams.
(2)Homework: ①Finish Part A on P46.②Remember the words learnt and try to learn more job words by surfing the Internet.③Write a short passage about your dream job and why.
The students can present their homework on the teacher’s microblog.
The Design of the writing on the Blackboard Different jobs
coach lawyeractor
cook / chefengineer musician
artist saleanassistant
barbertypist photographer
pilot assistant …