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最后更新时间:2024-02-29 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:27653 浏览:122482
[关键词] 历史社会科学; 联邦德国; 组织机构; 学术共同体; 学术出版; 交往网络
Abstract: The ″Historical Social Science School″ of West Germany, which mainly deals with critical social history, experienced its rapid rise in the 1970s. Besides the breakthrough in historiographical thoughts of its leading figures, the ooth operation of relevant academic activities also contributed to the rise of this School. There were three major driving forces behind its emergence, expansion and schooling.
Firstly, Bielefeld University, as an institutional center, provided the organizational framework for the new historiographical school. Founded in 1969 and thus free of the shackles of the conservative tradition, Bielefeld University dedicated to facilitating the interdisciplinary research of humanities and social sciences and served as an ideal platform for the Historical Social Science School to carry out academic activities. In such a harmonious atmosphere, Bielefelds historians turned the university into a center of communication network and the largest professional training base for the School. Secondly, the Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht press (V&R), as a social partner, strongly supported the academic publishing of the School. The V&R had enjoyed certain popularity within the academic circle of history and had no obvious political tendencies, which met the requirements of the historians of the new school. On the other hand, the V&Rs editors also wanted to exploit the market for books on history. Therefore, it is natural and easy for both sides to be in agreement. As a result, the three most representative works of the School were, and are, all published by the V&R. The cooperation mode between the V&R and the Historical Social Science School presented brand new features. The former became the first German press that built its image by echoing some kind of new historiographical trends while the latter became the first German historiographical school that entered into such an intimate relationship with a certain press that it labeled with its own name. Thirdly, the series Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft and the journal Geschich论文导读:criticalsocialhistoryexpandtheboundariesandtakerootinthescienceofhistory.ThejournalGeschichteundGesellschaft,ontheotherhand,isnotonlyaremarkableresultofthehistoriographicalreformaftertheSecondWorldWarinWestGermany,butalsoanoticeablesymboloftheestablish
te und Gesellschaft, as showcases for thoughts, in an effective way promoted internally the cohesion and communication as well as externally the dissemination of the Historical Social Science School. In terms of the series Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, its lineament was deeply influenced by the editorinchiefs research areas, academic viewpoints and work networks as well as his personal relationships. It brought many research findings into the open, filled the gaps in the studies of social structures, social progresses and social groups, and thus helped the critical social history expand the boundaries and take root in the science of history. The journal Geschichte und Gesellschaft, on the other hand, is not only a remarkable result of the historiographical reform after the Second World War in West Germany, but also a noticeable symbol of the establishment of discourse power of the Historical Social Science School. At the same time of pointing the way for the School, this journal also built a fixed communication platform for the members and thereby helped them establish and expand their own academic community. By taking advantage of these two different types of publishing, namely the book series and journals, this School formed an active editorandauthor circle which furthered its own continuous development.相关论文由www.7ctime.com收集,如需论文.历史社会科学:联邦德国史学领军流派崛起之路相关范文由写论文的好帮手{#GetFullDomain}提供,转载请保留.历史社会科学:联邦德国史学领军流派崛起之路论文资料由论文网www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留地址.历史社会科学:联邦德国史学领军流派崛起之路相关范文由写论文的好帮手{#GetFullDomain}提供,转载请保留.相关论文由www.7ctime.com收集,如需论文.历史社会科学:联邦德国史学领军流派崛起之路相关论文由www.7ctime.com收集,如需论文.历史社会科学:联邦德国史学领军流派崛起之路由优秀论文网站{#GetFullDomain}提供,助您写好论文.