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摘 要:词类转化是一种生命力很强的造词手段。由于其自身特有的表达效果,词类转化现象在新闻语篇中得到了充分的应用。本文主要研究了词类转化现象在英语新闻语篇中的应用,包括新闻语篇中常见的词类转化现象类别和其特殊的表达效果,并辅以大量最新的例子佐证,以期给英语学习者启迪。


词类是研究词汇学的一个重要概念。随着语言的发展,一个词由一种词类转化为另一种词类,并为人们接受,这即是词类转化现象。“所谓词类转化(conversion)也称之为零位派生法(zeroderivation)----就是不经过词本身的形态变化,从一个词类转化为另一个词类,获得另一个词类所具有的语法作用。”[1] 词类转化现象普遍存在各种语言里,如汉语中的“春风又绿江南岸”、“红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉”、 “鱼肉百姓”等。古汉语中的使动和意动用法,都是词类转化现象的典型用法。词类转化现象也广泛地存在于英语中。词类转化法已成为英语一种重要的构词手段。广义上讲词类转化现象包含各种词类转化,一般来讲,主要指名词、动词、形容词这三种词类的转化。




He cautioned staff to “be careful when sending e-mail communications until this situation is resolved.” (BBC New York Times Website down after Suspected Hacking 2013-08-28)


Mark Frons, the company’s chief information officers,warned New York Times employees the attack was perpetrated by the Syrian Electronic Army, which backs Mr Assad, “or someone trying very to be them.” (BBC Us Ready to Launch词类转化现象在英语新闻中的应用由优秀论文网站www.7ctime.com提供,助您写好论文. Syrian Strike,Says Chuck Hagel 2013-8-27)


Protesters he massed in at least seven Brazilian cities voicing disgruntlement about life in the country. (NYDailyNews Protests Breaking out again in Brazil’s Biggest Cities 2013-6-19)


…and subway fares but quickly ballooned into a national movement… (China Daily Tens of Thousands Protest Confed Cup Costs 2013-6-19)


“Xi will make a speech to outline China’s Central Asia policy…”
(China Daily Sino-Japanese Meeting at G20 Ruled out 2013-08-28)


… flooded the streets of the country’s biggest. (NYDailyNews Protests Break out again in Brazil’s Biggest cities 2013-6-19)


1、The students lacked enthusia and did not he a basic grasp of English, … (BBC Liberian Students All Fail University Admission Exam 2013-8-26)
2、It was a very public put down from Beijing and … (BBC China Rules out Top-level Talks with Japan at G20 2013-8-27)


…because the alleged killer was a minor, AFP reports. (BBC South African Girl of Seven ‘Shoots Friend Dead’ 2013-8-26)


To further humiliate the country’s political leaders, …(BBC Brazil’s Leaders Caught out by Mass Protests 2013-06-18)




1、Police said 6,000 protesters thronged central Rio…(China Daily Tens of Thousands Protest Con论文导读:odeJaneirodespiteBrazil’stwobiggestcities…(ChinaDailyFareRisesoff,ProtestsContinue2013-06-21)Battle作为名词是“较量;斗争”的意思,如果用名词表示同样的意思,可能的表达是“TherewasabattlebetweenprotestersandpolicenearRiodeJaneiro”,这样,既不符合新闻语体简洁明快的特点,在
fed Cup Costs 2013-06-19)
2、Me词类转化现象在英语新闻中的应用论文资料由论文网www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留地址.ng Ge, the mother of 17-year-old gang rape suspect surnamed Li (China Daily Army Singer’s Son Gang Rape Trial Begins 2013-08-28)
本句如果用surname 的名词形式表达,可能为,“whose surname is Li,” 这样远不及转化后的简洁有力。
3、Protesters battled police near Rio de Janeiro despite Brazil’s two biggest cities … (China Daily Fare Rises off, Protests Continue 2013-06-21 )
Battle作为名词是“较量;斗争”的意思,如果用名词表示同样的意思,可能的表达是“There was a battle between protesters and police near Rio de Janeiro”, 这样,既不符合新闻语体简洁明快的特点,在表达效果上又感觉力量不够。原句简明有力地表达出了游行者们与的斗争。
4、In January, the New York Times said hackers had accessed its website and stolen the passwords of 53 employees … (BBC New York Times Website down after Suspected Hacking 2013-08-28)
用access (进入) 的动词词性表示侵入网站,简洁明快。


1、Mass protests he been mushrooming across Brazil…(NYDailyNews Protests Break out again in Brazil’s Biggest cities 2013-6-19)
一般来讲,我们只熟悉 mushroom做名词时当“蘑菇”讲的意思,很少有人了解其转类成动词时做“快速增长”的意思。在原文中,我们可以直观地联想到大规模的游行活动如“雨后春笋”般生长起来。
2、…flooded the streets of the country’s biggest (NYDailyNews Protests Break out again in Brazil’s Biggest cities 2013-6-19)
3、The protests, organized mostly by university students through snowballing social media campaigns,…(China Daily Tens of Thousands Protest Confed Cup Costs 2013-6-19)
4、Protesters battled police near Rio de Janeiro despite Brazil’s two biggest cities scrapping transit fare increases that triggered two weeks of nationwide protests. (China Daily Fare Rises off, Protests Continue 2013-06-21)
5、People of all ages, many of them draped in flags, …(China Daily Brazilians fill streets with protest, violence 2013-06-21)
6、 "Forward, forward," the demonstrators shouted as police blocked access to the $240 million Castelao Stadium.(China Daily Fare rises off, protests continue 2013-06-21)