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最后更新时间:2024-03-09 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:22643 浏览:98524
THE European Commission launched on September 6 an anti-dumping investigation into imports of solar panels and their key components (solar cells and solar wafers) originating in China involving a total sum of around US $20 billion.
The EU launched the anti-dumping probe after an industry association filed a complaint in July. The case constitutes the most significant anti-dumping complaint the European Commission has so 源于:毕业www.7ctime.com
far received in terms of import value, and a trade lawsuit of the largest-ever financial dimensions for China.
In 2011, China exported solar panels and their key components worth 21 billion euros to the EU, accounting for 70 percent of the entire output of China’s photovoltaic manufacturing industry, according to EU data. China’s PV enterprises face grim prospects if the EU imposes anti-dumping duties.
Destined to Fail
It was in fact the U.S. Department of Commerce that first initiated the antidumping investigation into Chinese imports of silicon photovoltaic cells. The department announced in May its imposition of anti-dumping duties on their Chinese manufacturers. On October 10 it then made the final determination that the Chinese government had subsidized local manufacturers of solar PV cells that dumped their products in the U.S.
Insiders hold that there is little likelihood of China winning the case; it will be difficult for Chinese manufacturers to prove that they did not dump any of their products in the target market. In cases where the alleged culprit country does not he market economy status (MES), a “surrogate” or “analogue” country is designated to evaluate the cost of the product concerned and to judge whether or not it has been exported at a price lower than that on its domestic market. This premise auto论文导读:upcommunicationwiththeEuropeanCommissionandEUmembercountries.RelevantChineseenterpriseshealsomadeeffortsduringofficialmediations.AccordingtoexperienceoftheU.S.anti-dumping,anti-subsidycase,Chinesemanufacturersthatdidanddidnotactivelyrespondtotheinvestigatio
matically puts China at a disadvantage.
According to the agreement on China’s accession to the WTO, China does not he MES until September 11, 2016. Anti-dumping investigations into Chinese products are therefore based on the prices and costs in a third-party MES country. In the case of PV imports, the EU selected the U.S. as the surrogate country. This bodes ill for the Chinese manufacturers concerned.
Certain Chinese manufacturers, however, cling to hopes hinging on the socalled “EU interest test,” whereby the Commission ascertains whether or not the imposition of anti-dumping and antisubsidy duties is in the EU’s overall interests. If they are not, the Commission will terminate the case without imposing duties, regardless of damage that the dumped imports may he caused. Raising the import duty on solar panels and key components originating in China will raise the installation cost of solar equipment and delay the process of cutting solar energy prices in the EU.It is therefore critical that the Chinese government and enterprises concerned make optimum use of the “EU interest test.”
China’s government has accordingly stepped up communication with the European Commission and EU member countries. Relevant Chinese enterprises he also made efforts during official mediations. According to experience of the U.S. anti-dumping, anti-subsidy case, Chinese manufacturers that did and did not actively respond to the investigation fared differently. The duty rate imposed on the former stood at around 31 percent, while that on the latter was a staggering 249 percent. Chinese enterprises involved in the European investigation hence know the importance of responding to the investigation and are proactively fighting for their interests.
“On behalf of the solar industry, we’ll论文导读:ne,”Linsaid.“TheEUwilleventuallyimposeantidumpingdutiesonChinesePVproductmanufacturers,asitwillnototherwisebeabletoappeasetheconcernedparties.ButdutieswillbelowerthanthosethattheU.S.imposed,becauseEuropeanPVenterprisesaremoreinfluentialthantheirU.S.c
work with our government in communicating with the European Commission and the concerned parties. As an enterprise under investigation we’ll proactively respond to the case and try to settle it through negotiation before the European Commission makes its final decision,”Trina Solar President Gao Jifan said.
Certain experts in China, however, are less optimistic. Lin Bo, director of the Center of China Energy Economics Research under Xiamen University, does not see the “EU interest test” as a possible reprieve. In Lin’s view, based on other European anti-dumping cases against China, once the Commission launches an investigation, punitive duties are 源于:论文封面格式www.7ctime.com
inevitably imposed on the Chinese enterprises concerned, the only variable being the amount. “We cannot speculate on the Commission’s response according to Chinese practice. The EU judicial department is independent. Once the legal procedure starts, none of the concerned governments can intervene,” Lin said.“The EU will eventually impose antidumping duties on Chinese PV product manufacturers, as it will not otherwise be able to appease the concerned parties.But duties will be lower than those that the U.S. imposed, because European PV enterprises are more influential than their U.S. counterparts, and more economic benefits are involved in this case.”
Lin believes the anti-dumping investigations into Chinese PV products expose the limitations of the WTO trade remedies amid the current global economic and technical situation.
new Industry, traditional Development Mode
As an emerging new industry, China’s photovoltaic industry has risen in just 10 years from obscurity to the world number one producer of solar panels, taking up 65 percent of the global market and 80 percent of the European mar论文导读:nadequateinfrastructureandnopowergridcoverage.Consequentlytheelectricitytheseplantsgeneratecannotbeefficientlytranerredtotheoutsideworld.IftheDERmodeweretobeadopted,solarpanelscouldbeincorporatedintotheroofsoflargeelectricityconsumers.Theenergymanagement
Forable national policies are also introduced to rescue the photovoltaic industry from its predicame摘自:毕业论文答辩流程www.7ctime.com
nt. The National Energy Administration recently issued a photovoltaic power generation development plan that implies a future shift from the grid-connected power generation mode to the distributed energy resource (DER) system, under which all-scale power generation facilities are located close to where electricity is used. The Administration has commissioned experts to draw up a plan on constructing demonstration zones for the DER system. It envisages a RMB 0.4-0.6 per kWh subsidy on the price of this electricity.
Most of China’s photovoltaic power plants are located in remote areas with inadequate infrastructure and no power grid coverage. Consequently the electricity these plants generate cannot be efficiently tranerred to the outside world. If the DER mode were to be adopted, solar panels could be incorporated into the roofs of large electricity consumers. The energy management contract will enable constructors and customers to cooperate in this respect. Another main advantage of the new policy lies in its sing of construction time.
“Against the backdrop of overseas anti-dumping and anti-subsidy charges, China’s newly-introduced forable policies he sent the clear message that it intends sing the photovoltaic industry. Two factors are crucial to the further development of solar energy in China –improvements to rules on subsidizing photovoltaic power generated in the DER system and support for the State Grid’s integration of solar energy plants into its network – a move that inevitably entails the Grid’s loss of profits,” Hu said.
Lin believes that there are still many fa论文导读:newenergy,notablythepotentialofitshugedomesticmarket.Moreover,thecostadvantagesofdomesticresearchanddevelopmentwillcontributetotheindustry’sdevelopment.Intheshortterm,however,China’snewenergyconsumptionwillremainlow,becauseitisunabletoreplicatetheroleof
vorable conditions for China to develop new energy, notably the potential of its huge domestic market. Moreover, the cost advantages of domestic research and development will contribute to the industry’s development. In the short term, however, China’s new energy consumption will remain low, because it is unable to replicate the role of conventional energy.