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最后更新时间:2024-03-21 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:1679 浏览:5200
摘要 数年的高校扩招,法学专业本科教育已面临困境,有性的改革。提高法律实际运用能力,用多种方法培养学生探究式学习,在教学中和司法考试相,培养高素质法律职业者的一些途径。
关键词 法学 本科 教学方法
On Undergraduate Teaching Methods of Law
WANG Chunfeng
(Law School, Guangxi University of Finance and Economics,Nanning, Guangxi 530003)
AbstractWith several years of enrollment expansion of colleges and Universities, the undergraduateteaching of law has been facing difficulties. It must carry out the corresponding reform. There are some ways to develop high-quality legal professionals,such as improving the practical ability of the law, cultivating students' inquiry learning with a variety of methods,and combining of teaching and judicial examination.
Key wordslaw; undergraduate; teaching methods