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摘 要 大学不断扩招,如何解决数目庞大的法学毕业生的就业问题是面临的一大难题本科毕业论文结论。企业法律人才的需求是解决这一问题的,但是企业特定的需求使得传统人才培养模式受到挑战,如何让的法律人才迅速适应社会需求,就是“订单式”培养模式所要着重解决的问题论文格式范文。经济、汽车、管理等专业的先行成功示范使明白,企业法律人才采取“订单式”合作模式也是可行的大学论文格式范文。
关键词 “订单式” 法律人才 可行性
中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A
Research on "Order-deal" Training Mode in University Legal Talent
MA Hui, FENG Huijun
(School of Liberal Arts and Law, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430070)
Abstract With the continuous enrollment of the university, how to solve the employment problem of a large number of law graduates, is a major problem facing today. An important aspect of solving the problem is to raise the needs of enterprises, but the certain requirements for them eventually cause the challenge to traditional personnel training mode. Thus, whether it can help our legal talents quickly meet the need of sociaty becomes into the decisive certification of "order-deal" training mode. Many succesul samples of "order-deal" training mode in the major economy, car, and managerment build our confidence in taking the same mesure in training the qualified layers for enterprises.
Key words "order-deal"; legal talent; feasibility
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