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最后更新时间:2024-02-25 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:4515 浏览:17887
【关键词】法学教育的;高素质法学人才; 法制现代化
The obfuscation and solutionsof the law education in university
【Abstract】at present , in our country , the law education of university is worrying . On the road of constructing the law modernization , we must envisage the obfuscation of the law education , analyze the root , search the crux of solving the problem. This text is based on this, from the status of law education in university , analyzing the obfuscation and root of law education, bring forward scientific and reasonable ways.
【Keywords】 the object of law education the law capable people the key of law education