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[摘 要]从传播的“仪式观”来审视城市文化传播现状,发现在城市文化被轻视和冷落的当下,媒体不仅仅要服务于市民的信息需求,更的是构建和深化市民对所生活的城市的文化认同,形成一种城市文化氛围,将城市文化传播升华为一种“城市文化的分享仪式”,依靠自身的影响力参与到城市化建设之中,城市文化发展的助推器。
[Abstract]: From the “ceremony view” of communication to scan the status of the city culture dissemination, it finds that in the situation that urban culture is despised and desolated, the media not only should be in service of the public information demand, but also build and deepen the citizens of his city's cultural identity to form a kind of the city's cultural atmosphere, and sublimate the urban culture to be a kind of " share ceremony of city culture", which depends on the individual influence to particioate in the urbanization construction, becoming the booster of the city cultural development.
[Keywords] ceremony view; city culture; communication

1.1 文献标识码:A论文编号:2095-2104(2012)

