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摘要: 信息化,各类计算机、网络现代化技术实现了迅猛发展,医院疗养院经济管理中也逐步应用信息化、计算机技术辅助财务管理与会计核算论文摘要怎么写。就信息化管理在医院疗养院经济管理中的科学作用展开探讨,总结了信息化医院疗养院经济管理中应的信息化问题并制定了切实的实践策略。
Abstract: In the information age, types of computers and the network modernization technology he achieved rapid development, and in the economic management of the hospital nursing home, the informatization and computer technology are also used to assist the financial management and accounting. This article discusses the role of informatization management in the economic management of the hospital nursing home, summarizes the informatization problems should be noted in the economic management of hospital nursing home in the information era, and develops effective practical strategies.
关键词: 信息化管理;医院疗养院;经济管理
Key words: informatization management;hospitals, nursing homes;economic management
中图分类号:TP39 文献标识码:A论文编号:1006-4311(2012)20-0200-02