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最后更新时间:2024-02-19 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:4819 浏览:19146
I agree that the ultimate goal of wildlife protection is to restore natural habitats and reintroduce endangered animals into the wild. In many visits to the zoo with my child, I was saddened by the lethargy displayed by large prey like lions and tigers, which should be out roaming steep mountains and dense forests with agility and high energy. Although it is irresponsible of mankind to destroy their natural habitats and bring them to the edge of extinction in the first place before trying to reverse th摘自:写毕业论文经典网站www.7ctime.com
e trend, the old cliché holds true: better late than never.
Fei Chen
Changsha, Hunan Province, China
It is no news that pharmaceutical companies bribe their ways into hospitals, and doctors receiving kickbacks write more prescriptions, often unnecessary, for their drugs. This is believed to be one of the reasons why health care expenses are so high in China, and consequently a long-standing source of public discontent. The GSK case polarized attention because generally the public expects big reputed players in the industry, especially those from developed countries, to be a role model and eschew foul play. As the author of “Multinationals in China Must Operate According to Law” noted, while punishing the culprits within the legal framework, China has to clean its own house – stringently enforcing laws and eradicating the social environment that to some extent acquiesces to commercial bribery.
Hu Mingyu Beijing, China
The palpable pressure in the Chinese employment market in recent years is impossible to ignore. As college graduates pour into the labor market in record numbers, and the impact of the global economic crisis continues to be felt at home, it is getting harder and harder for fresh graduates to land d论文导读:entionalperceptionitiswiththegovernment,astate-ownedcompanyorapositioninabusinessthatcanpropeloneintothe“white-collar”class.Butforsomeopen-mindedyouth,thisattitudeischanginginthefaceofmountingcompetitionandgrimemploymentprospects.Ireadrecentlythatsome
esirable jobs. But what is a desirable job? In conventional perception it is with the government, a state-owned company or a position in a business that can propel one into the “white-collar” class. But for some open-minded youth, this attitude is changing in the face of mounting competition and grim employment prospects. I read recently that some college students are studying professional skills like H operation and cooking, and are ready to take relevant bluecollar jobs on graduation. The demand is high, and the pay is good. These young people should be proud that they earn honest money and support themselves.
Meng Fan Shanghai, China
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