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最后更新时间:2024-02-23 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:32979 浏览:155115
[摘要] 如今医患关系紧张,很大上是医疗费用问题将双方推到对立的两面医学论文。不正确的医疗保障体制改革方向,使得医院丧失作为社会保障机构的公益性,因此也增加了群众生活负担和生活风险,是为社会不稳定的因素。因此,想要解决医疗关系中的矛盾,同时缓解病人就医费用高的问题,最主要的手段就是将医疗改革未来的方向调整回社会福利的方向。
[关键字] 医患矛盾医疗改革
[Abstract] The high medical expense almost leads to conflict between doctors and patients .Chinese health care reformation diverge from non-commercial character, which is obviously wrong and raises common people’s living risk cost . The problem aggrates instability. To solve it, main measure is to rectify the wrong direction of reformation back to welfare model.
[Keywords] conflict between doctors and patientshealth care reformation