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摘要: 医事法学专业是法学与医学交叉的新型专业,培养医事法学专业人才是适应我国法制建设和深入的卫生体制改革的,为此,从专业设置、培养等对医事法学专业人才培养了研究论文的标准格式。
On the professional talent training of medical jurisprudence
SHEN Yu-jie
( Research Institute of Medical Education, Guangdong Medical College, Dongguan Guangdong 523808)
Abstract:The medical law is a new interdisplinary subject between law and medicine, and the training of medical law professionals is geared to our legal construction and the need for the deepgoing health system reform, therefore, this paper intends to probe into the professional talent training of medical jurisprudence in terms of professional setting, training target, etc.
Key words: the medical law, talent, training
中图分类号:G71 文献标识码:A 论文编号:1673-9795(2011)03(a)-0000-00