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摘 要:了一种基于网络编码的无线网络广播重传算法论文格式标准。该算法包丢失分布概率的特点生成新的重传序列,多节点的网络编码方法丢失包组合实现重传毕业论文任务书。数学分析和明,该算法能保证接收节点的编码可解性,同时重传次数可达到局部最优性;与传统重传方法相比,该算法可以地减少信息包的平均传输次数,从而提高传输效率论文。
关键词:无线网络; 网络编码; 广播重传机制; 广播重传算法
中图分类号:TN911-34 文献标识码:A
WANG Xing-liang, LU Xuan-min, FENG Sha, LIU Ya-liang
(School of Electronics and Information, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710129, China)
Abstract: A wireless network broadcasting retranission algorithm based on network coding is put forward in this paper. In accordance with the characteristic of packet loss distribution probability, it generates the new retranission sequences, accomplishes the combination of lost packages, and then realizes the wireless network broadcasting retranission by means of the multi-node network coding method. The mathematics analysis and simulation results prove that the algorithm can ensure the solvability of the codes at receiving nodes, meanwhile the retranission frequency can reach the local optimality. Compared with the traditional retranission method, this algorithm can reduce the erage tranission number of message packages more effectively. Therefore, the tranission efficiency was improved.
Keywords: wireless network; network coding; broadcasting retranission mechani; broadcasting retranission algorithm
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无线广播技术在蜂窝移动通信系统网中起着的作用,无线网络具有较高的传输错误率,应用丢失包重传技术 [1-4]毕业论文摘要范文。-以上为可参考的写作提示