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最后更新时间:2024-03-26 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:20660 浏览:93464
摘要:的发展和我国市场竞争机制的不断完善,电力企业的发展面临着新的挑战,在该形势下,如何提升电力企业的知名度,推广的优势,已成了电力企业亟需解决的一个问题免费论文。新闻宣传作为 企业推广自身的一个渠道,同样适用于电力企业毕业论文结论范文。基于此,对如何做好电力企业的新闻宣传工作了探讨,分别从新闻宣传工作的前提条件和电力企业新闻宣传渠道了分析。
Abstract: with the development of The Times in our country and the perfection of the market competition mechani, the development of the electric power enterprise faces new challenges, in this situation, how to improve the awareness of the electric power enterprise, to promote their advantage, already became the electric power enterprise a problem to be solved urgently. News propaganda promotion itself as the enterprise one of the effective channel, also apply to the electric power enterprise. Based on this, the paper discusses how to do well the electric power enterprise's news propaganda work, the paper discusses the news propaganda work separately from the premise condition and the electric power enterprise news publicity channels are analyzed.
Keywords: electric power enterprise; News propaganda; Work; thinking
中图分类号: F407 文献标识码: A 论文编号: