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[摘要] 目的 探讨急救护理干预优化措施在急性左心衰患者急救中的临床效果及临床作用。 策略 选取2009年5月~2010年11月期间在海南省儋州市农垦那大医院收治的84例急性左心衰患者,将其分为两组,对照组(A组)42例,给予常规急性左心衰急救护理;优化组(B组)42例,给予优化后的左心衰急救护理,记录两组患者的救治成功率,并在患者出院6个月后以日常生活活动能力(ADL)为标准,评定两种护理策略在急性左心衰患者中的作用。结果 B组疾病知晓率为97.6%,依从性为88.1%,两项指标均高于A组(83.3%、61.9%),差异均有统计学作用(均P < 0.05);A组患者救治成功率为88.1%,B组患者救治成功率为97.6%,B组患者救治成功率显著高于A组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);B组ADL评分平均为(59.1±3.2)分,显著高于A组[(47.3±3.6)分],差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 优化后的急性左心衰急救护理措施相比于常规急救护理能有效提高对患者的救治成功率,同时也可以提高患者出院后的日常生活能力。
[关键词] 急性左心衰;急救护理;临床干预
[] B [文章编号] 1673-7210(2014)11(b)-0115-04
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the effect and significance of optimizing clinical interventions in emergency care of acute left heart failure patients. Methods In the period from May 2009 to November 2010 in Farming Nada Hospital of Danzhou City, a total of 84 patients with acute left heart failure were randomly divided into two groups, the control group (group A) was received conventional acute left heart failure emergency care, the optimal group (group B) was given the optimized left heart failure emergency nursing. Treatment success rate of patients of two groups was recorded. Effect of two nursing methods in patients with acute left ventricular failure was evaluated with activities of daily life (ADL) out of school after 6 months ability for standard. Results The disease witting rate and compliance in group B were 97.6% and 88.1%, two indicators were higher than those in group A (83.3%, 61.9%), the differences had statistical significances (all P < 0.05). The success rates were 88.1% in group A and 97.6% in group B, the success rate of group B was significantly higher than that of group A, with statistically significant difference (P < 0.05). ADL was (47.3±3.6) scores in group B, which was higher than that in group A [(59.1+3.2) scores], the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion The emergency nursing of acute left heart failure after optimization can improve the success rate of treatment of patients, and is better than conventional first aid nursing, and it can also improve the ability of daily life of patients after discharge.
[Key words] Acute left heart failure; Emergency nursing; Clinical interventions
急性左心衰竭是指患者由于心肌严重损伤或心脏负荷骤然加大,导致左心室排出量在短时间内骤然减少、肺部急性淤血以及组织灌流不足。据调查,近年来我国的急性左心衰发病率呈逐年升高趋势,高血压、冠心病等慢病对其也有具有推动作用,严重影响了居民的身体健康水平。急性左心衰具有发病迅速、病情进展快、早期致死率高等特点,且急救时护理困难。其主要临床表现为严重呼吸困难、强迫坐位、咳粉红色泡沫痰等[1]。该病一旦发生,可在短时间内进展为心源性休克、昏迷等,严重者可致患者死亡。若抢救不及时,急性左心衰患者往往会在发病数小时后猝死。在强调急性左心衰竭常规治疗策略的同时,及时正确的急救护理的重要性也不容忽视[2]。在常规的急救护理过程中,护士仅仅按医嘱对患者进行急救处理,并没有具有针对性地对患者制订护理目标以及对应的急救护理手段,导致患者的急救效果因此受到了急救护理专业水平和能力的较大影响。因此,为选择更加有效的急救护理策略,海南省儋州市农垦那大医院(以下简称“我院”)对比了急性左心衰竭常规护理及优化护理,探讨两者对于患者存活率及预后的影响,现报道如下: 全文地址:www.7ctime.com/nkhllw/lw50301.html上一论文:简论1例新型隐球菌败血症合并隐球菌脑膜炎护理体会