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最后更新时间:2024-02-23 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:18776 浏览:82838
Huang Junbi, Fu Xinshe and Zhang Daqian were named “Three Masters from Chinese Mainland” because they all grew up, studied painting and arrived professionally in the mainland, and fin漂泊·艺术·变革——渡海三家相关范文由写论文的好帮手www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留.ished out their lives in Taiwan. The three artists are of great influence to the orientation of the modern Chinese painting art and made a great contribution to its development in Taiwan.
“渡海三家”指的是自台湾光复后,原生长、学习、成名在大陆,后终老在台湾的黄君璧、溥心畬、张大千三位大画家。他们在艺术上的成就举世公认,对台湾美术发展史亦有重要的影响。 全文地址:www.7ctime.com/zgylslw/lw3659.html上一论文:探讨道路景观设计中的艺术形式美