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最后更新时间:2024-02-11 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:32329 浏览:146286
Tori Amos has been looking at a lot of artwork and she turns the visual into the musical on her new CD.(Soundbite of Song, “16 Shades of Blue”)
Rachel: That’s the song “16 Shades of Blue,” which refers to the artist 1)Paul Cézanne, who is said to he had at least 16 shades of blue on his 2)palette. It’s a tune about aging from an artist who hit a significant milestone last year. Tori Amos turned 50, by the way. She’s explored a number of musical styles recently, from classical, where she began as a child, to a staged musical.
The title of the CD, 3)Unrepentant Geraldines, comes from an 4)etching, I understand, by a 19th century Irish artist named 5)Daniel Maclise? Am I saying that right?
Tori: Yes, you are.
Rachel: What was so powerful about that piece to you? Tori: She reminded me of the repentant 6)Magdalen paintings from a few hundred years prior. And as I started to think about what women were apologizing for, I began thinking about being unapologetic at 50, and as an artist, and standing by the creations that make up your shape.
“The Black Clock” by Cézanne was very much what spurred on the多莉·艾莫丝:艺术遇上年华,越交融越陈香由专注毕业论文与职称论文的www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留. song “16 Shades of Blue.”I really didn’t get Cézanne until I turned 50. He didn’t make any sense to me. Then I turned 50 and I was looking at “The Black Clock” and I started hearing the rhythm and the piano of this song. I read that 7)Rilke wrote that Cézanne would paint with over 16 shades of blue on his palette at one time, and I had just turned 50, and I thought about how you learn from women about the different pressures of different ages, whether you’re 15, 18 or in your 20s. I realized it was important to talk about the clock ticking, bringing different types of pressure to different types of women. —Time Magazine Interview
从很大程度上说,是塞尚的《黑色时钟》催生了这首《16种蓝色》。我直到年过半百才真正看明白了塞尚(的作品)。过去我总是搞不懂他。后来到了50岁,我看着《黑色时钟》,耳边开始流淌出这首歌的旋律和钢琴声。我读到过里尔克曾写道,塞尚每次在作画的时候,会在调色盘里调出超过16种深浅不一的蓝色。我已经50岁了,我不禁想到不管你现在15岁、18岁还是双十年华,你都可以从女性身上学到些什么东西,因为不同年龄层的女性会面对不同的压力。我意识到这是很有作用的事情——讲讲时间的流逝,讲讲年岁给不同的女性带来的各种压力。 ——《时代周刊》专访
(Soundbite of Song, “Trouble’s 8)Lament”)
Rachel: Often when you think about good and evil themes in country music, which comes up a lot, artists tend to use the word “devil.” You use the word “Satan,”which has a d论文导读:ifferentkindofreligiousreferencetoit,areligiousweight.Yourdadwasapreacher,aminister,right?相关论文由www.7ctime.com收集,如需论文.多莉·艾莫丝:艺术遇上年华,越交融越陈香论文资料由论文网www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留地址.上一页12
ifferent kind of religious reference to it, a religious weight. Your dad was a preacher, a minister, right?相关论文由www.7ctime.com收集,如需论文.多莉·艾莫丝:艺术遇上年华,越交融越陈香论文资料由论文网www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留地址.