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【 摘 要 】 为企业VPN网络平台的构建方案比较多,但构建费用都偏高,使得企业望而止步论文。为此,寻求一种够用的经济的VPN网络平台构建方案是很有必要的。论文将介绍一种利用ADSL拨号上网、动态域名解析技术和软件VPN,互联网构建经济型VPN网络平台的部署方案及配置方法,为构建或改造VPN平台的企业一种参考。
【 关键词 】 经济型;VPN;网络平台;构建方法
Zhang Ding-xiang
(Guizhou Commercial College, Guiyang GuizhouGuiyang550004)
【 Abstract 】 Although at present to provide enterprises with VPN network platform building scheme is more, but the building costs are high, make many enterprise hope and stopped. Therefore, seek a kind of economic and enough VPN network platform construction scheme is very necessary.This paper will introduce a kind of deployment scheme and configurationmethod whichthat using ADSL dial-up internet, dynamic DNS technology and software VPN over the internet to construct economic VPN network platform. This program can be used for the construction or upgrading of an enterprise VPN platform.
【 Keywords 】 economical ;VPN; network platform; construction method