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论文片段—ttrafficconstructionengineering.Theeconomicbenefitsofhighwayiscomposedofmulti-levelindexoftheform,bothexternalbuildingoperationefficiency,andinternalstaffandreturnindicators.Thispaperusesustainablehighwayeconomyevaluationsystemtoevaluatethebenefitofhighway. 基于可持续发展的公路经济评价体系及方法研究
Abstract: The road is the arterial system of a city construction of, it is to support the city economy, traffic and the lives of the people important traffic construction engineering. The economic benefits of highway is composed of multi-level index of the form, both external building operation efficiency, and internal staff and return indicators. This paper use sustainable highway economy evaluation system to evaluate the benefit of highway.
Key words: sustainable development, highway economy, evaluation system
中图分类号:U412.21文献标识码: A 论文编号:2095-2104(2012)06-0020-02