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最后更新时间:2024-03-11 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:4723 浏览:17785
关键词:项目承包; 经济纠纷; 风险; 防范; 策略
Abstract: the engineering projects for internal contracting mode of operation, is to promote the construction enterprise operating vitality, ensure the economic benefits of the important means, has become the current construction projects in the construction of one of the common phenomenon. But in internal contracting process to take, we should pay attention to oid risk, to reduce the economic disputes due from the unnecessary loss, and to ensure the project economic benefit and social benefit harmony. Combining with the practical engineering experience, how to prevent project contractor for economic dispute brings to the enterprise problems such as the loss of the concrete analysis and discussion.
Keywords: project contract; Economic dispute; Risk; Prevention; strategy
中图分类号: F721 文献标识码: A 论文编号: