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List of Abbreviations8-9
List of Tables9-14
Chapter One Introduction14-21

1.1 Background14-18

1.1 Importance of EFL writing14

1.1.2 The requirements for EFL writing of senior high school in the new Engpsh Curriculum Standard14-15
1.1.3 Problems existing in EFL writing of senior high school in China15-16
1.1.4 Integration of EFL writing and school-based Engpsh Curriculum resources16-18
1.2 Research significance and purpose18-19

1.3 Framework of the thesis19-21

Chapter Two Literature review21-33

2.1 Overview of EFL writing21-22

2.1.1 Differences between EFL writing and mother tongue writing21
2.1.2 The development of EFL writing teaching21-22

2.2 Overview of curriculum resources22-25

2.2.1 The development of curriculum resources22-23
2.2.2 Understanding and classi论文导读:genvironmentbyusinganddevelopingschool-basedEngpshcurriculumresources41-444.5.1Makingfulluseoftheschoolpbraryresourcesandsettingupaclassroompbrary424.5.2GettingEngpshlearningresourcesthroughinternet42-434.5.3EnjoyingEngpshfilmsandTVprograms434.5.4Developingresour
fications of curriculum resources23-25
2.3 Overview of school-based curriculum resources25-31
2.3.1 The development of school-based curriculum25-26
2.3.2 Significance of developing school-based curriculum resources26-27
2.3.3 Principles of developing school-based Engpsh curriculum resources27
2.3.4 Features of school-based Engpsh curriculum resources27-29
2.3.5 Ways to get school-based Engpsh curriculum resources29-31
2.4 EFL writing of senior high school and school-based Engpsh curriculum resources31-33
Chapter Three Theoretical basis of the research33-36

3.1 The input hypothesis33-34


1.1 Krashen's input hypothesis33

3.1.2 Imppcations for EFL writing teaching33-34

3.2 The output hypothesis34-36


2.1 Swain's output hypothesis34-35

3.2.2 Imppcations for EFL writing teaching35-36
Chapter Four Research design36-50

4.1 Research questions and hypotheses36

4.2 Subjects36-37

4.3 Instruments37-40


3.1 Questionnaires37-38


3.2 Interview38-39


3.3 Tests39-40

4.4 Experiment40-41
4.5 Creation of an Engpsh writing environment by using and developing school-based Engpsh curriculum resources41-44
4.5.1 Making full use of the school pbrary resources and setting up a classroom pbrary42
4.5.2 Getting Engpsh learning resources through internet42-43
4.5.3 Enjoying Engpsh films and TV programs43
4.5.4 Developing resources from the students' school, their hometown or real pfe43
4.5.5 Adapting Engpsh learning resources as textbook supplement43-44
4.5.6 Encouraging students to do EFL writing training on the basis of school-based Engpsh curriculum resources44

4.6 A sample lesson44-48

4.7 Data collection48-50

4.7.1 Data collection from questionnaires48-49

7.2 Data collection from the interview49

4.7.3 Data collection from tests49-50

Chapter Five Results and analysis50-67
5.1 Effect on students' EFL writing interest50-54
.1 Results and analysis from the pre-questionnaire50-51
5.1.2 Results and analysis from the post-questionnaire51-53
5.1.3 Results and analysis from the interview53-54
5.2 Effect on students' awareness of Engpsh curriculum resources54-59
5.2.1 Results and analysis from the pre-questionnaire54-56
5.2.2 Results and analysis from the post-questionnaire56-58
5.2.3 Results and analysis from the interview58-59
5.3 Effect on students' EFL writing autonomy59-63
5.3.1 Results and analysis from the pre-questionnaire59-60
5.3.2 Results and analysis from the post-questionnaire60-62
5.3.3 Results and analysis from the interview62-63
5.4 Effect on students' EFL writing competence63-67
5.4.1 Results and analysis from the pre-test63-64
5.4.2 Results and analysis from the post-test64-65
5.4.3 Results and analysis from comparisons between Engpsh writing pre-test and post-test of the two groups65-67
Chapter six Conclusion67-71

6.1 Major findings67-68

6.2 Pedagogical imppcations68-69

6.3 Research pmitations and suggestions for further research69-71
Appendix Ⅰ Pre-questionnaire75-76
Appendix Ⅱ Post-questionnaire76-78
Appendix Ⅲ Interview after the experiment78-79
Appendix Ⅳ Engpsh writing pre-test79-80
Appendix Ⅴ Engpsh writing post-test80-81
Appendix Ⅵ The scores of the controlled group in the Engpsh writing pre-test and post-test81-82
Appendix Ⅶ The scores of the experimental group in the Engpsh writing pre-test and post-test82-83