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摘要:弗朗西斯·司各特·基·菲茨杰拉德(Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald)是20世纪20年代美国文坛上最著名的编年史家和小说家,那个时代由他命名为“爵士乐时代”。他被冠以桂冠诗人、是“爵士乐时代”的代言人和“迷惘的一代”代表作家之一。他的作品向世人完整、准确地展现了一战后20年代的美国社会情况。很长一段时间,《了不起的盖茨比》被认为是“喧嚣的二十年代”的代表作。20世纪末,美国学术界权威以选出一百部最优秀的小说,第二名就是《了不起的盖茨比》,成为世界经典文学作品。事隔60年,1987年,一位名叫村上春树的日本作家发表的第五部长篇小说《挪威的森林》,在日本畅销四百万册,并在国内外广泛引起“村上现象”。这部小说又被称为“日本版的《了不起的盖茨比》”,受到全世界文学爱好者的广泛好评和比较。村上春树的写作风格大多类似于欧美作家,其叙述方式平淡,写作基调轻快,与同时期日本作家们相比,少了战后阴郁沉重的气息。村上春树被称作第一个纯正的“二战后时期作家”,并被誉为日本1980年代的文学旗手。如果一位读者喜欢村上春树那么他一定同时也深爱菲茨杰拉德。其行文风格有着的相似性正是读者们同时深爱他们的理由,本论文意在通过对两部作品的比较,探究其相同之处与一定的差别性,加深对两位作者创作的了解,还能发现某些文学接受、文学消费以及跨文化交流中的通律,兴许能解答当代青年的价值观疑惑。关键词:菲茨杰拉德论文了不起的盖茨比论文挪威的森林论文比较论文
Chapter One About The Great Gatsby and Norwegian Wood11-26
1.1 About Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby11-15
1.1.1 Fitzgerald and His Life Experience11-14
1.1.2 The Great Gatsby and Its Reputation14-15
1.2 About Hamki Murakami and Norwegian Wood15-18
1.3 Haruki's Literary Reception of Fitzgerald18-26

1.3.1 Literature Review18-21

1.3.2 Fitzgerald's Literary Influence on Haruki21-26
Chapter Two Narrative Techniques and Language Style of The GreatGatsby and Norwegian Wood26-36
2.1 The Use of Narrative Techniques in The Great Gatsby and Norwegian Wood26-34
2.1.1 Narrative Techniques Used in The Great Gatsby28-29
2.1.2 Narrative Techniques Used in Norwegian Wood29-32
2.1.3 The Similarities of The Great Gatsby and Norwegian Wood in the Use of Narrative Techniques32-34
2.2 The Similarities of The Great Gatsby and Norwegian Wood in Language Style34-36
Chapter Three Symbop in The Great Gatsby and NorwegianWood36-54

3.1 The Function of Symbop36-38

3.2 The Symbopc Meaning of Lights38-44

3.2.1 The Green Light in The Great Gatsby38-42
3.2.2 The L论文导读:FourTheDifferencesofTheseTwoWorks54-674.1TheDifferenceoftheSocialValues55-564.2TheDifferenceoftheNarrationSkills56-634.3TheDifferenceoftheThemes63-644.4TheDifferenceoftheSymbopcMeaningoftheProtagonistsandtheExpressionofSymbop64-67Conclusion67-70Bibpography70-74
ight in Norwegian Wood42-44
3.3 The Symbopc Meaning of Living Beings44-46

3.1 The Ivy in The Great Gatsby44-45

3.2 The Firefly in Norweg Wood45-46

3.4 The Symbopc Meaning of Settings46-49

3.4.1 The Valley of Ashes in The Great Gatsby46-48

3.4.2 The Well in Norwegian Wood48-49

3.5 The Symbopc Meaning of Music in The Great Gatsby and Norwegian Wood49-54
Chapter Four The Differences of These Two Works54-67
4.1 The Difference of the Social Values55-56
4.2 The Difference of the Narration Skills56-63

4.3 The Difference of the Themes63-64

4.4 The Difference of the Symbopc Meaning of the Protagonists and the Expression of Symbop64-67