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中图分类号:F276.6 文献标识码:A 论文编号:1001-8409(2012)05-0123-04
The Influencing Factors of CEO Compensation and Legal Regulation of Listed Companies in China
WANG Youlianga, LI Nab
(a. School of History and Culture; b. School of Economics, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064)
Abstract: Starting from the problems brought by overhigh compensation, this paper empirically researches on CEO compensation in four aspects which are the performance of the company, the company size, personal ability and the board independence. It proves that the company performance and CEO compensation are positively related. It puts forward some rationalization proposals to the legal regulation of CEO compensation.Key words: CEO compensation;influencing factors; system of information disclosure; adjustment of justice
CEO是Chief Executive Officer的缩写,中文译为“首席执行官”,是负责日常经营管理的最高级管理人员,居于现代企业治理结构的核心地位毕业论文结论怎么写。-以上为可参考的写作提示