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摘要: 《套全国中小学生系列广播体操》于2008年9月开始在全国推广,对西安市中小学校《套全国中小学生系列广播体操》实施情况的分析,西安市中小学校《套全国中小学生系列广播体操》实施的成功所在;同时分析影响《套全国中小学生系列广播体操》实施所存在的一些问题,为更好的促进本套操的实施建议性对策。
Abstract: "The Third Set of Nationwide Student Serial Broadcast Gymnastics" began to expand nationwide in September of 2008. Analyzing the implementation situation of "the Third Set of Nationwide Student Serial Broadcast Gymnastics" in primary and middle school of Xi'an, this paper presented the succesul factor of implementation and problems existing in the implementation, then put forward suggestion for promoting its implementation.
关键词: 中小学;《套全国中小学生系列广播体操》;实施情况
Key words: primary and middle school student; the Third Set of Nationwide Student Serial Broadcast Gymnastics; implementation
中图分类号:G62 文献标识码:A 论文编号:1006-4311(2011)13-0212-02
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