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最后更新时间:2024-02-02 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:29916 浏览:141974
摘 要 经济法是法学本科专业的主干课程之一,对于新时期应用型法律人才培养的实现具有。,经济法教材体例存在的一些问题,使之不应用型法律人才培养的要求免费论文。因此,应在遵循优化经济法教材体例原则下,采取合理设置具体经济法律知识结构、完善参考引文与注释体系、增加经济法律实务问题与案例等具体措施来优化经济法教材的体例,以推进应用型法律人才培养的实现。
关键词 经济法教材 体例 应用型法律人才 优化
中图分类号:G423 文献标识码:A
Talking about the Optimization of Economic Law
Textbook of Professional Bachelor Degree
——Take the Perspective of Training Applied Law Personnel
WANG Xiaoli
(Anhui University of Finance & Economics, Bengbu, Anhui 233030)
Abstract Economic law is the main course of professional bachelor degree,which is important for the realization of applied the law personnel training goal in the new period.However,currently some existing problems of many Economic law textbooks are not in conformity with the requirements of applied the law personnel training goal.Therefore,in order to promote the realization of applied the law personnel training goal,we should follow the principle of optimizing the style of Economic law textbook,set proper and specific Economic law knowledge structure,perfect reference citation and comment system,increase the Economic law practice problems and cases, and take the other concrete measures to optimize the style of Economic law textbook.
Key words economic law textbook; style; applied law personnel; optimization
1 经济法教材的功能定位

1.1 深化经济法治意识与经济法律信仰
