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最后更新时间:2024-03-20 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:21577 浏览:96458
【摘 要】许多中国孩子从小就开始接触英语,家长会为孩子报名补习班,学校也会从小学一年级正式开设英语课,甚至到了高中毕业,英语补习班仍然如影随形。为什么中国的英语教育事业这么的受追捧,这可能就要从中国学生学习英语的动机目的中寻找答案了。本文简要分析了中国学生学习英语的五大主要动机,并从家长和老师两方面提出了帮助学生提高学习兴趣的倡议,期望因材施教,结合中国国情以及学生自身的兴趣爱好,把英语学习看成是轻松快乐的事情,更好的学习英语。
Language as a tool of communication, is a view of a certain culture, and also reflects itself in personal elements. Motivation is one of the major factors of the learning process. It plays a very important role in English teaching. According to the theories and studies of motivation, the writer believes there are five types of motivation. They are meta-language and information motivation, driven-energy motivation, social motivation, going-abroad motivation, and interest motivation.
Meta-language and Information Motivation
Some students enjoy language learning. They are good at language. They like the language itself. They learn a foreign language in order to make the world understand China.
Some students want to introduce China to the world so they study a foreign language very hard. Some students learn a foreign language because they want to learn other subjects better, to keep up with development of world economy, science and technology.
Driven-energy Motivation
Most of the students agree their language study was driven by test scores before entering university. Chinese students he many tests in their student lives, and going to a good university is very important thing in Chinese minds. The test scores are significant to Chinese students, especially to middle school students. They all want to enter a good senior high school and a good university.
Social Motivation
Some students learn English in order to live up to their parents’ expectation, and regard English as an important key for life. Most of the students agree that English is a symbol of education and中国学生第二语言学习的动机意义由提供海量免费论文范文的www.7ctime.com,希望对您的论文写作有帮助. cultivation and is important for communication. This indicated students related English to social function and social responsibilities. Those are huge motivators for Chinese students.
Going-abroad Motivation
Most of the students agree that they learn English in order to seek better education or job opportunities abroad and in order to experience English-speaking cultures abroad. They somewhat agree that they learn English because they were interested in foreign culture and in order to emigrate abroad. With the development of China’s economy, more and more Chinese people are becoming rich. They he th论文导读:motivationsaredividedintofivemotivations:meta-languageandinformationmotivation,driven-energymoti上一页123下一页
e ability to send their children to study abroad. Also, some people like the life abroad and want to emigrate abroad. Foreign culture is another attractive thing. Going abroad would help know and understand the foreign culture better.Interest Motivation
Interest in English movies, songs or stars is very perfect motivation. For example, NBA maybe the most popular sport in the world. Chinese boys also like it. Boys could watch the video on the internet in English, read the news about the stars or teams in English, and send e-mail or message online to the stars in English. Another example is Formula 1 Grand Prix. The drivers come from all over the world, but they can communicate with each other in English. And the race’s official language is also English. In the team radio, the team and the drivers are all speaking English. If the student falls in love with Formula 1, he or she could read much news about the driver, the team and the car by English. Interest is the best teacher.
Improving Motivations
Every Chinese student has learned English for at least twelve years. But only a few of them can use English very well. The reason should be thought about seriously. The parents and teachers can also play an important role. Parents can build a define environment at home, even they stay in China and do not understand English. The teacher could do their best to catch the students’ interest in classroom, and encourage and help students to improve their interest.
The Parent’s Role
At breakfast, parents can play English tapes and let their children listen to English 中国学生第二语言学习的动机意义论文资料由论文网www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留地址.when the children wake up. At dinner, the family can watch English TV programs. Of course it is hard for the children, but they can practice listening. On the weekends, the children also can watch English movies or cartoons. That could foster interest in English.
The Teacher’s Role
The English teacher could use better teaching materials to catch the students’ attention in classroom, and encourage and help students to find and improve their interest. The most important thing for the teacher to do is to improve his or her English level.
English is one of the three major subjects in China. English is a world language. Chinese middle school students should learn English well. Motivations are the important factors of English learning. And motivations are divided into five motivations: meta-language and information motivation, driven-energy moti论文导读:vation,socialmotivation,going-abroadmotivation,andinterestmotivation.ParentsandteacherscancreateapositiveenvironmenttohelpstudentslearnEnglishwell.TheycanhelpstudentstoimprovetheirinterestinEnglishlearning.上一页123
vation, social motivation, going-abroad motivation, and interest motivation. Parents and teachers can create a positive environment to help students learn English well. They can help students to improve their interest in English learning.