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浙江省恩泽医疗集团台州医院,浙江临海 317000
[摘要] 目的 分析现象分析护理干预对鼻咽癌放疗患者症状困扰的效果。 策略 选取浙江省恩泽医疗集团台州医院2010年1月~2013年1月诊治的鼻咽癌患者46例为研究对象,根据护理与研究策略,将其分为对照组和观察组,每组各23例。所有患者均行放疗,给予对照组患者常规护理,观察组患者采用现象学分析法分析后行护理干预。比较两组患者的症状困扰情况及满意度。 结果 观察组患者口腔干燥(17.4%)、口咽部疼痛(13.0%)、味觉转变(8.7%)及吞咽障碍发生率(4.3%)均明显低于对照组(82.6%、69.6%、65.2%、56.5%),差异均有高度统计学作用(均P < 0.01);观察组患者满意度(95.7%)明显高于对照组(73.9%),差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 通过对鼻咽癌患者放疗中症状困扰情况的质性研究,给予患者有针对性的护理干预,可明显改善患者口咽部不适病症,有助于放疗的顺利开展。
[关键词] 鼻咽癌;放疗;症状困扰;质性研究
[] B [文章编号] 1673-7210(2014)03(a)-0113-04
Application of phenomenon analysis in the effect evaluation of nursing intervention on symptom distress of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma in radiotherapy
ZHOU Lichun NA Ximing ZHOU Lizhen
Taizhou Hospital of Enze Medical Group, Zhejiang Province, Linhai 317000, China
[Abstract] Objective To analyze the effect of phenomenon analysis of nursing intervention in symptom distress of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Methods 46 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma were selected in Taizhou Hospital of Enze Medical Group of Zhejiang Province from January 2010 to January 2013, and they were divided into control group and observation group according to nursing and research methods, with 23 cases in each group. Patients in two groups were underwent radiotherapy. Patients of control group were given the routine nursing, patients of observation group were treated with nursing intervention after phenomenological analysis. Symptom distress and satiaction of patients between two groups were compared. Results Incidence of dry mouth (17.4%); oropharyngeal pain (13.0%); taste change (8.7%); dysphagia (4.3%) in observation group were significantly lower than those of control group (82.6%, 69.6%, 65.2%, 56.5%), the differences were high statistically significant (all P < 0.01); the satiaction of patients in observation group (95.7%) was significantly higher than that of control group (73.9%), the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion Through qualitative research on symptom distress of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma in radiotherapy, targeted nursing intervention can be given to patients, which can significantly improve oropharyngeal discomfort of patients and contribute to ooth development of radiotherapy.
[Key words] Nasopharyngeal carcinoma; Radiotherapy; Symptom distress; Qualitative research
鼻咽癌是临床常见的一种肿瘤疾病,由于机体鼻咽部的解剖位置比较隐蔽,鼻咽癌的早期症状不典型,在临床上容易延误诊断而影响患者的治疗,应特别提高警惕。放射治疗是目前鼻咽癌公认和有效的根治性治疗手段,可明显改善患者的临床病症,提高患者的生活质量,进而改善患者的预后[1-3]。在鼻咽癌放疗过程中,患者可能出现多种急性反应[4-5],例如味觉转变、口咽部疼痛、口干、唾液黏稠等症状,均会给患者带来不适。为了探讨鼻咽癌患者放疗中症状困扰的质性效果,选取浙江省恩泽医疗集团台州医院(以下简称“我院”)2010年1月~2013年1月诊治的鼻咽癌患者46例行放疗,根据护理与研究策略分为两组,现象学分析法分析后实施护理干预,针对护理后患者的症状困扰情况及患者满意度进行对比分析,现报道如下: 全文地址:www.7ctime.com/wkhllw/lw24681.html上一论文:对于阅读对策训练对护理院校英语阅读影响的