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Abstract:This article discusses the changes of Chinese internet words. The author tries to summarize some typical word formations of these words from the morphological perspective to analyze the impact of English on Chinese Vocabulary.
Key Words:English impactword formationinternet vocabulary
As a new popular style of language, internet language bases on the modern English language system. But with the blending of modern English and Chinese in globalization, there are some new word formation rules which are more notable. In this paper, six kinds of word formation, which show the impact of English in Chinese internet vocabulary, are discussed and analyzed. They are translation, affixation, meaning shift, acronym, mixing and coinage.


Modern Chinese has managed to widen her vocabulary by translating other language. There are two main methods of translating English words into Chinese and use them in internet communication: they are transliteration and free translation.

1.1 Transliteration

粉丝(fans)is the translation of the English word “fans”, which refers to the admirers of someone or something, such as fans of music, movie, or sports. In Chinese, the word “粉丝” has been widely accepted not only in the network, but also in newspapers, magazines, and other traditional media.

1.2Free translation

Free translation means to use Chinese words to express the meaning of some equivalent English words. For example,“闪客” comes from the English word “flesh”, which has the meaning of “a momentary brightness”. And this meaning is very close to the Chinese word “闪”. So “闪客” means someone doing flash.


Affixation is a typical kind of English word formation, referring to the process of making new words by adding affixes to a form which already exi源于:7彩论文网论文www.7ctime.com
sts. Traditionally, verbs in Chinese do not he inflections. While owing to the influence of English, some ways of English word formation he been used in Chinese internet vocabulary.

2.1 Inflection

The inflectional suffix “-ing” is a typical kind of inflection in Chinese internet language.
“吃饭ing”, “失恋ing”, “工作ing”, etc are examples of borrowing the word formation rules of English. This expressions mix the Chinese words with English suffixes to create a new kind of word. The mixing words of this kind are very concise and are considered more fashion. So they are quite popular in young people and spread quickly on internet.2.2 D论文导读:er“Q”.Thiskindofmixingisquiteanewwayofwordformation.6.CoinageWiththepopularityofaChineseword“给力”,somepeoplecoinanewwordusingthepronunciationofthisChinesewordandaEnglishformwithaEnglishsuffix“-able”.Thisnewlycoinedword“gelivable”hasqu
In English, derivation is a major way of word formation, which摘自:7彩论文网毕业论文格式www.7ctime.com
is done by adding affixes to other words or morphemes.
“-客” and “-吧” are typical suffixes of the derivational kind. The suffix “客” comes firstly from the words “hacker”, which is translated as “”. Then the similar translation word “博客”, “播客” etc he become more popular and widely used. Then a series of word end with the suffix“客” he been derived, such as “晒客”, “闪客” ,“拼客” , etc. And the word formation rule: a Chinese word root + 客 to make a new noun.

3.Meaning Shift

The meanings of some English words he changed to some degree when they are used in Chinese. For example, “in” and “out” in the Chinese internet language mean “in fashion” and “out of time”. In the sentence or phrase “你out了” and “夏日最in短裙”,these English words are embedded in a Chinese linguistic environment to express their meaning in a more fashionable way.


In English, acronym is made up from the first letters of the name of an organization. Now people try to imitate this English word formation rule to create new word though a similar way. This kind of words can be seen frequently in internet language. For example, “GG” means “哥哥”, “MM” means “美眉”, “CJ” means “纯洁”,etc.


3Q is a mixing “word” used in on-line chatting. It imitates the pronunciation of the English phrase “thank you” by using the combination of the pronunciation of the Chinese number “三” and that of the English letter “Q”. This kind of mixing is quite a new way of word formation.


With the popularity of a Chinese word “给力”, some people coin a new word using the pronunciation of this Chinese word and a English form with a English suffix “-able”. This newly coined word “gelivable” has quickly popularized on the internet, and it is also be derived to a negative form “ungelivable”. This Chinglish word is a typical coinage with the form of English and the pronunciation and meaning of Chinese.
In conclusion, network language is an open system of signs. The English words in network language are supplement and development of Chinese language. They reflect the impact of English as the main carrier of Internet media on modern Chinese.
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