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最后更新时间:2024-03-27 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:15898 浏览:69337
关键词:氟化盐加料车; 一人完成; 装料;加料
Abstract: In the potroom of aluminum elters, Only one operator drives this aluminum fluoride feeding vehicle to finish this work by himself, feeding aluminum fluorides into the materials tank, and filling the materials (ALF3) into the pot hoopers. First, this vehicle will be feeded the materials (ALF3) in the fluorides storage, then, driving this vehicle to the potroom, the materials (ALF3) will be filled into the pot hoppers at the central feeding equipment.
Key words: aluminum fluoride feeding vehicle ; Only one operator ; feeding aluminum fluorides into the materials tank ; filling the materials (ALF3)摘自:7彩论文网毕业论文结论www.7ctime.com
into the pot hoopers