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With the rapid development of modern logistics, there exist an increasing number of researches and discussions on modern logistics and marketing. Deep integration of logistical function and marketing function has become one of the hot tops. The integration of both functions begins to provide new ideas and frameworks for modern enterprise administration, which will definitely bring a significant adjustment to the field of logistics.
1. Features and trends presented in the development of modern logistics
1.1 Logistics system develops toward direction of integration
Logistics system begins to develop toward the direction of integration. It can be seen by analyzing the content of business service that the operational line is of diversification, scale and systematization. We are going to analyze the service content in detail as under: Firstly, on aspect of customer service: Determine the requirements of customers, ascertain the customers'' response to service and set the levels of customer services etc.; Secondly, on aspect of transportation management: Selection for mode of transportation and service as well as dispatching for less container load, transportation path and transportation vehicles; Thirdly, on aspect of warehouse management: Inventory policy for raw materials and products, short-term sales forecast, cargo combination in the inventory, the quantity, scale and location of the inventory, just-in-time, push and pull strategy etc.; Fourthly, on aspect of information system and order processing: Sales order and inventory interaction process, order information traner method and order rules etc. Besides, modern logistics system also provides other supporting activities, including: Firstly, on aspect of storage support: location determination, platform arrangement and design, warehouse equipment and stock placement etc.; Secondly, on aspect of materials handling and processing support: Device selection, equipment replacement, order picking, storage and replenishment etc.. On aspect of production and operation collaborative support: Determination of production lot, sequence and schedule for product manufacturing etc..

1.2 Rise of third-party logistics

The rise of third-party logistics is not only the need of economic development but also the inevitable trend for development of times. The unique market segmentation论文导读:gTheproposaloflogisticarketingisbecausemodernlogisticshasgraduallybecomeameansofmarketing.Itcannotonlyincreasethevalueofthetransaction,improveservicereliabilityandtransactionefficiencybutalsoprovidesservicebasisanddevelopingspace.Astheinternationalcom
and high quality marketing service level he won the for of customers. We are going to make a brief analysis on the marketing flow of third party logistics: The first step: collect the informati源于:7彩论文网论文大全www.7ctime.com
on of target customers and analyze the requirements of customers; the second step: primarily negotiate the intention with marketers; The third step: high level discussion between the experts and customers; The fourth step, experts analyze the requirements of customers and the present operation situation and put forward professional advice; The fifth step: the project team custom-tailors the logistics solutions; The sixth step: hand over to the operation team after stable operation of the project. Judging from the marketing flow, third-party logistics is provided with good marketing philosophy and relatively complete marketing service process and its core competitiveness has been prominent.1.3Information technology has improved the overall operational quality of logistics
Improvement in aspect of information technology has greatly improved the overall operational quality of logistics. By utilizing information technology methods such as technology diversification, upgrading in science and technology and routing management set the premise for enterprises to make operating decisions, helps logistics enterprises to realize marketing control and coordinates the logistics enterprises internally and externally. Logistics enterprises at the present stage begin to establish a complete logistics marketing information system, including internal reports system, market information system, market research system and market analysis system. On the basis of technology, we ceaselessly researched and developed and formed electronic data interchange(EDI),personal computer, artificial intelligence and expert system, internet, information technology, bar code and canister etc..
2. Correlation degree analysis on logistics function and marketing function
2.1 The necessity of proposing logistics marketing
The proposal of logistics marketing is because modern logistics has gradually become a means of marketing. It can not only increase the value of the transaction, improve service reliability and transaction efficiency but also provides service basis and developing space. As the international competition intensifies, the concept of logistics and marketing meets the needs of the market, which is another positive attempt and innovation in the论文导读:agementbasedonmarketingisdividedintotwoparts:first,thesupplylogisticsbeforethecompletionofproductionandproductionlogistics;second,thesaleslogisticspushestheproductstothemarketafterthecompletionofproduction.3.Integrationofmodernlogisticsandmarketingservic
management and marketing areas. The huge real interests and broad developing prospects he already begun to uncover the mysterious veil for the logistics marketing.
2.2 The substantive analysis for logistics marketing
Simply speaking, the substance of the logistics marketing is the mix design of logistics and marketing from enterprises’ perspective and the new development combines logistics and marketing from the customers’ view. The practical significance of Logistics marketing mix is reflected in: 1, marketing mix is the basic market to formulate the marketing strategies; 2, marketing mix is a powerful means to cope with competition; 3, marketing mix is the bond coordinates work of various departments in logistics enterprises.
2.3 The relationship between the logistic摘自:7彩论文网硕士论文格式www.7ctime.com
s functions and marketing functions
The increasingly close relationship between logistics functions and marketing functions has begun to produce a profound impact on the corporate comprehensive business; through the analysis, we believe that:First of all, the marketing policies and strategies he a decisive influence on the design and operation of logistics systems;
1) Marketing requirements determine the necessary functions of the logistics system - logistics services.
2) Marketing has become the direct cause of changes in logistics costs.
Second, lo源于:7彩论文网论文格式范文网www.7ctime.com
gistics plays an adjusting role in production, sales and inventory; the contradictions of the production and marketing in time and space can be solved through the logistics, and promote the coordination of production and marketing in return;
Third, logistics is an organic link of production and sales, which can timely and quickly grasp the movement of the goods;
Finally, logistics is both the constraints of enterprise development and the source of the profits for the enterprise development.
The logistics management based on marketing is divided into two parts: first, the supply logistics before the completion of production and production logistics; second, the sales logistics pushes the products to the market after the completion of production.
3. Integration of modern logistics and marketing services

3.1 The achievement of the product value

The enterprise product features of logistics are: 1, logistics enterprise products is a service; 2, the producer of logistics services can not be separated from the performance of the services provided; 3, logistics论文导读:cebyintegratinginformation;Thirdly,createnewvalueandstabilizethecustomerloyalty.Itachievesthefollowing:Firstly,customercontactmanagementfunction;Secondly,informationmanagementandanalysiunction;Thirdly,customeranalysiunction;Fourthly,personalizedservicefunction.
services are consumed while being produced; 4, human intervention makes the service quality difficult to maintain stable. With the acceleration of the integration of modern logistics and marketing services, it becomes possible to realize the product value and accurately increase the added value of products.
3.2 Correlation on aspect of customer service
By establishing customer management and service model and establishing CRM system in enterprises, a strong linkage relationship is effectively established among customers. The prominent functions lie in as follows: Firstly, promote the enterprise benefit by utilizing the existing relationship; Secondly, provide excellent service by integrating information; Thirdly, create new value and stabilize the customer loyalty. It achieves the following: Firstly, customer contact management function; Secondly, information management and analysis function; Thirdly, customer analysis function; Fourthly, personalized service function. The working procedure and content are improved during the information analyzing and collecting process: Firstly, classify customers and establish the behior pattern on the basis of data collected; Secondly, begin to plan and design marketing activities; Thirdly, do activity test regularly; Fourthly, execute and integrate using scientific method; Fifthly, try to implement performance analysis and amasent.


Integration of logistics function and marketing function is the main trend in the future. By inductive analysis, not only 源于:7彩论文网论文格式模板下载www.7ctime.com
do we deepen the understanding the close relationship between both functions but also the following new features of future marketing logistics management can be clearly predicted: Firstly, decision systematization; Secondly, corresponding to marketing concept; Thirdly, emphasis on management benefit; Fourthly, customer service as one of the main business contents; Fifthly, logistics management develops in direction of informatization.
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