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最后更新时间:2024-01-22 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:25319 浏览:117670
关键词:经济,林场,管理 , 生态
Abstract: along with the rapid development of China's economy, the demand for resources economy growing degree, with the consumption of resources that the economic development for the development of our country exposed in model has many disadvantages. As state-owned assets of state-owned forest, its economic value immeasurable, and not only as a kind of economic forest resources, but also a kind of ecological resources, so for the state-owned forest farm management not only related to the national economic development, the more related to China's ecological balance.
Key words: the economy, farm, management, ecology
中图分类号:S891+.5文献标识码:A 论文编号: