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①能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:way,get,along,street,take,stop,road。②能听懂、会说、会读单词kilometre,miss,No.,minute,并让学生感受a kilometre away,a long walk,at the third stop,every five minutes的用法。③能正确理解并体验句型:Can you tell me the way to...?及其答句的使用语境。④能正确理解、掌握对话的内容,并能有感情地朗读对话。⑤引导学生在学习对话过程中感受如何有礼貌地问路和指路,培养他们乐于助人的好品质。










Step1 Warm up
a.Greetings;b.Free talk
T:How do you go to school every morning?S1:I go to school on foot.T:Well, your home is near,I think.S1:Yes,it is.S2:I go to school by bike.T:Your home is far,I think.S2:Yes.T:Me,too.My home is very far from here.
Step2 Revision and presentation
T:Look at the map.Our school is here and my home is there.How to get to my house?S:Go along this street,and then...T:Yes,thank you.Can you guess how I get to school every day?S:On foot?(T:Oh,no.My home is far.It’s about 2 kilometres away.That’a long walk.)(PPT呈现新句型。领读,并用夸张的语气和动作,帮助学生理解这种远距离的表达。)S:By bus.T:Yes.To get to school faster,I usually take bus No.2.Look,there’s a bus stop in front of my house.This is the bus stop.Look at this schedule.There’a bus every 10 minutes.T: Well,how many stops are there to my school?Let’s count.One stop,two stops...S:There are three stops.T:Good.Every morning I get on the bus here,and get off at the third stop.
ep3 Lead-in the text
T:Now you know the way to my house.Boys and girls,Welcome to my home.Look!(PPT) He’s my friend Mr Smith.He is new in Nanjing.So he doesn’t know the way.He is asking the way.(板书,跟读)
a.Read the first passage carefully and answer the questions
①Where does Mr Smith come from?Mr Smith comes from.②Whe源于:大学生论文网www.7ctime.com
re is he living now?He is living in ( ) now. ③Where does he want to go? He wants to ( ).④Can you help him to get there?
b.Watch the cartoon and do the judge
①( )To get to the History Museum faster,Mr Smith can take bus No.3.②( )There’s a bus every five minutes.③( )There’re two stops from the History Museum to the post office. c. Read the text after the tape and complete the sentences
Pay attention to met——meet told——tell
d.Act it out in groups
T:I’m sure with the help of Yang Ling. Mr Smith can find his way easily. Yang Ling is a kind girl. Please remember: take pleasure in serving others.摘自:学报论文格式www.7ctime.com
(PPT) 德育:Take pleasure in serving others. 助人为乐是快乐之本。
Step4 Consolidation and application
Play a game “I’m a guide”
T:The World Expo (世)is coming.A lot of foreigners will come to China,and visit Shanghai.Look,this is Tony White ,he comes from the USA.Now,he wants to go to the Expo Park(世博园). Look at the map.Who wants to be the guide ,and tell him the way?
Step5 Do some exercise(课堂作业)


1.( )LiuTao doesn’t know how ?摇 ?摇 there.

A.getting B. to get C.to get to
2.( )?摇 ?摇 stops are there to get to the park?
A.How long B.How far C.How many
3.( )To get there ?摇 ?摇,you can take a taxi.
A.earlier B.late C.fast
( )There’s a train ?摇 ?摇 five minutes.
A.each B.every C.very


1.The park is on your left.You can’t ?摇 ?摇 (miss)it.
2.You can get off at the ?摇 ?摇 (nine) stop.

3.Five kilometres ?摇 ?摇 (be) a long walk.

4.How many ?摇 ?摇 (bus)are there?

5.He ?摇 ?摇 (tell) me a funny story yesterday.
Step6 Homework