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的哥本哈根联合国气候大会召开以来,“低碳经济”模式开始被成为世界性的焦点,一场绿色低碳经济革命已然在全球范围内展开。那么,在新时期下的全球经济发展,最大的特点即是低碳经济的发展模式,为人类的生活营造更好地生态生活环境。传统的财务管理方式显然已经不能适应经济发展的需求,创新发展财务管理非常必要。直到20世纪90年代,全球又兴起了一股绿色思潮, 此外,会计的精英界人士也在积极探索会计与环境的结合,提出了绿色会计(又称环境会计)的概念。在绿色会计研究的基础上,为了满足绿色会计条件下企业正确筹资、投资决策,绿色财务管理便应运而生。这篇文主要较为浅显地分析了绿色财务管理的概念,以及企业实施绿色财务管理面临的问题,针对问题从企业、社会、政府三个方面提出了一些合理建议,积极营造绿色文化氛围,从而使企业的发展更好地适应市场环境,更好的完成企业现代化发展。
Abstract: Since the 2009 UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, the "low-carbon economy" model began to be the world's attention, and a green low-carbon economic revolution spread to worldwide quietly. Under the new era of global economic development, the biggest feature is low-carbon economic development model which can create a better ecological and living environment. The traditional approach has been unable to meet the financial management needs of economic development, and it is necessary to innovate and develop the financial management. Until the 1990s, a we of green trend is rising, furthermore, the accounting profession elites also are actively exploring the combination of accounting and environment and propose the concept of green accounting (also known as environmental accounting). With the preliminary study on green accounting, in order to meet the right business financing and investment decision making in green accounting conditions, green financial management has come into being. In this paper, the concept of green financial management and the problems in the implementation of green financial management are analyzed, and some reasonable recommendations from the business, society and government are proposed to create the green cultural environment, so that make the enterprises better adapt to the market environment and better complete enterprise modernization.
关键词: 低碳经济;绿色会计;绿色财务管理
Key words: low-carbon economy;green accounting;green financial management
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②财务管理的原则区别,绿色财务管理的可持续发展原则,是立足于当今国际国内形势,从长远角度来为企业谋求最大效益。 摘自:学术论文模板www.7ctime.com