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VNA Time-domain technology analysis based on virtual instrument-

最后更新时间:2024-03-20 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:32257 浏览:146067
Abstract: In this paper, it focus on the need for setting up a virtual vector network analyzer (VNA), which only has frequency-domain measurement technology. The software model is presented and many simulations are performed within the Labview software. Using the chirp-Z and inversing chirp-Z tranorm, after the window f源于:7彩论文网免费毕业论文www.7ctime.com
unction and gating function processed it gets the frequency response, which removes what it doesn’t want, such as impedance discontinuity. A very good agreement among the results of the proposed technique, results ailable in the literatureand experimental results is observed. At the last of the paper, the practical measurement result and late tranorm result are given. It easily proves that the results are closer to the true parameters of the DUT (Device under Test).
Key words: Chirp-Z tranorm; time-domain; virtual instrument;window function;gating function