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【摘要】 目的 鼻内镜术后患者的随访情况,评价良好的医患沟通对随访的价值英语论文。方法 对100例患者随访情况按依从性分级:良,中,差论文格式标准。术前医患沟通情况按满意度分为:良,中,差。据随访依从性与医患沟通满意度之间的性,评估医患沟通的价值论文要求。结果 医患沟通满意度与随访依从性之间存在正。 良好的医患沟通在鼻内镜术患者中具有非常的价值。
【关键词】 医患沟通;鼻窦炎;鼻息肉;鼻内窥镜检查;功能性鼻内窥镜手术
Doctorpatient communication in patients undergoing endoscopic followup value Chai Xiaohua, Xu Yanyang, Zhang LeiKaifeng the First Peoples Hospital Department of Otolaryngology,Kaifeng 475000 China
【Abstract】 Objective Followup of patients after functional endoscopic sinus surgery, assesent of good communication between doctors and patients to follow up value Methods 100 patients followup compliance classification: good, fair, poor Preoperative physicianpatient communication to satiaction is divided into: good, fair, poor According to the correlation between the followup compliance and doctorpatient communication satiaction, assesent of doctorpatient communication value Results There is a positive correlation between the doctorpatient communication satiaction and compliance with followup Conclusion Good doctorpatient communication in nasal endoscopic surgery patients has very important value.
【Key words】 physicianpatient communication; sinusitis; polyps; nasal endoscopy; functional endoscopic sinus surgery
作者单位:475000 开封市人民医院耳鼻咽喉科鼻内镜手术是治疗慢性鼻鼻窦炎鼻息肉的主要手段,术者的技术固然,但术前及术后医患沟通满意在患者中具有的价值不可低估。-以上为可参考的写作提示